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Oct. 1st, 2010


L&O: Floral Investigative Unit

Who: Erika and Jezebelle
When: late afternoon
Where: their respective shops
What: "In the floral justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important people: the morbid elemental who investigates crime and the murderous vampiress who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories."


Sep. 19th, 2010


Living well but we're dying young

Who: Jameson McQueen and Erika Forsythe
Where: Random bar in Scarlet Oak
When: Evening

Going broke but I'm feeling good )

Sep. 5th, 2010


Hockey games, medical claims...

Who: Ben and Erika (and Petunia)
Where: The Mudhouse
When: 5:30ish

...police reports, terrible grades )

Aug. 18th, 2010


O green world, don't desert me now

Who: Erika and Evan
Where: Forsythe & Family Funeral Home
When: 9pm. Ish.

Bring me back to fallen town / Where someone is still alive )

Jul. 23rd, 2010


Measuring a summer's day

Who: Bradley and Erika
Where: Berry Days Festival
When: Afternoon/early evening

I only find it slips away to grey. )

Jun. 14th, 2010


I'll accept what I cannot see, but the fainting goat is too much for me

Who: Erika and Opal (and their familiars)
Where: Opal's house/shop
When: 4ish pm

Erika locked up the shop and the house before walking out back to the shed where she kept her bike. She pulled it out, blinking as she stepped into the sunshine, only to find herself staring down at Petunia as her familiar - and that was going to take some getting used to - munched on some dandelions. Looking from the goat to the bike and back to the goat, Erika sighed, mostly in amusement at her own slowness. "Right. Can't exactly have you riding on the handlebars, now can I?"

Hmm? Petunia replied, too busy snacking to be paying much attention. Erika went back into the shed, reemerging a few minutes later with a large front basket and a screwdriver. "I hope you're good with riding shotgun." She had a car, of course, but she didn't use it much in the summer. It was too nice outside to squeeze herself into a metal box that could make her sick if she spent too much time touching it, so she rode her bike everywhere she could. The frame was titanium, which kept Erika from having an allergic reaction.

Forty-five minutes or so later, Erika rode up to Opal's house, Petunia wide-eyed in the front basket. Erika lifted the goat up and out, and Petunia only wobbled once before regaining her footing. "You okay?" she asked, looking a little worried as she propped her bike against the porch railing. Just not used to going that fast, Petunia admitted.

May. 15th, 2010


Flowers in the Windows

Who: Erika and Bella
Where: Seeds of Beauty
When: late afternoon

Now that she knew what she was up against )

Oct. 29th, 2009


BBQ Time~

Who: Erika, Chris, invited guests and guests of invited guests, OTA
Where: Erika's
When: Saturday afternoon
What: BBQ!

Who needs a reason to have a party? )

Sep. 8th, 2009


Subject: BBQ Party!

From: Erika Forsythe <flowerpetaler@xxxxxxxx.com>
To: Chris Brammel, Dorcas Falk, Erin Forsythe, Evan Forsythe, Kieran Whelan, Sloane Messinger
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 7:01:44 AM
Subject: BBQ Party!

You have new mail! )

(Message left on voicemail for Lyle Armstrong.)

Sep. 2nd, 2009


Date Night

Who: Erika & Chris
When: 6 pm-ish
Where: Erika's Place
Barely conscious enough to add a warning: NSFW

Aug. 27th, 2009



Who: Erika and Lyle
Where: The Flower Petaler
When: About 4

This is the song that never ends... )


Meeting between friends

Who: Sloane and Erika
When: Late Morning/Early Afternoon
Where: Flower Petaler

Sloane was prone to waking up early, even during the summer. It was all about being a teacher, she didn't it mind most of the time, except when it occasionally made her feel like an old lady. She'd fall asleep at 7 or even 8, too wiped to stay up later. She loved her job though, teaching the kids of Scarlet Oak could be challenging, but that's what she liked.

After she had finished her grocery shopping, Sloane sat around her tiny apartment and found she couldn't focus. So she decided to visit Erika, it had been a while since they had seen each other and Sloane felt bad. It was hard for her to juggle friends and teaching so she tended to cut herself off from friends. She was hoping that would pass though, Sloane got lonely sometimes.

Sloane hopped in her car and made the short trip to Erika's place, which also happened to be the Flower Petaler, one of the best Flower Shops in Scarlet Oak and probably Ann Arbor. Everywhere in Scarlet Oak was a short trip, Sloane though to herself. She opened the door to the small shop and called out for Erika. "Hello? Erika, it's Sloane!"

Aug. 26th, 2009


Text Message to the Forsythes

from ERIKA

best date ever! :)

sent at 10:03 PM

Aug. 17th, 2009


Next verse, same as the first

Who: Erika and Chris
When: 1 PM
Where: The Flower Petaler, city limits
Rating: NSFW

There was being a gentleman and there was being an idiot. )

Jul. 28th, 2009


New Faces

Who: Erika & Quentin
When: Mid-afternoon
Where: Downtown

Greetings from Sunny Scarlet Oaks! )

Jul. 20th, 2009



Who: Kaye and Erika
Where: The Flower Petaler
When: Afternoon

Customers )

Jul. 16th, 2009


Unconventional Lessons

Who: Erika and Chris
Where: The Flower Petaler
When: 9 AM

In you is a world of promise )


E-Mail to Erika Forsythe

Hello Ms. Forsythe,

This is the man you met in the grocery store the other day, after an encounter with some iron. You offered to elaborate on the experience further and I'm following up on that.

Please let me know when you might be available.


Christopher Brammell,
Galveston, Texas

Jun. 29th, 2009


unconventional birthday party

Who: the birthday girl!! (Erin), Evan, Erika, Dorcas, Kieran, and open!
When: late night
Where: Heme

Deciding you wanted to spend your birthday at the vampire bar was probably weird by a lot of standards, but certainly not by Erin's. She'd been dying to check it out ever since she heard of its existence, before the opening. Unfortunately, work had not allowed it. So tonight was perfect! Plus, she was excited to meet her little brother's new girl and possibly traumatize him to the point of revisiting the night terrors and bedwetting stage.

It was what big sisters were for, after all.

She parked the hearse out front, grinning as she noticed the envious looks of what had to be a few vampire groupies. Fangbangers, freshies, whatever you wanted to call them. The bouncer let her in, and she looked around for her friends and family as she made her way towards the bar.

Jun. 18th, 2009



Who: Chris and Erika
Where: Grocery Store
When: Mid-Afternoon

Fly on your way like an eagle/fly as high as the sun )

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