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Apr. 14th, 2010


Suddenly he was a teenage girl named Sabrina

Who: Noah and his Familiar, Salem (NPC)
When: Early morning around 5:30am
Where: His new place

'It's not exactly the playboy mansion out here.' )


If It's Worth Saving Me

Who: Mael, Bia, demon (NPC)
Where: In the vicinity of Aeaea
When: Around 11 AM, when the whole she-bang begins

Google was an amazing thing. In a fit of paranoia and feeling very stupid as he did so, Mael had typed in 'magic shop' into the search bar. As expected, the returns included joke shops and magic tricks. However, right in Scarlet Oak was this intriguing little shop called Aeaea, which showed a decent amount of promise...at least it seemed like it would be more fruitful to search for black chicken feathers there than the local grocer's.

Unfortunately for Mael, however, despite the fact that he had some form of internet connection, he had not bothered to watch the news and, thusly, missed the rather important announcement about the appearance of demonic-type things today. He had simply gone directly to his Google homepage, checked for a local magic store and gone his regularly merry morose way. Despite of his ignorance of the day's going-ons, it had still taken nearly every bit of courage Mael had to don some clothes (including his signature pair of white gloves) and take a brisk walk through town to this purported magic store. He hoped it wasn't a very popular store and that he could manage to slink in unnoticed and slink back out without too many questions or chances to come into contact with anyone.

Catch me, I'm falling. )


Let's see how far we've come, let's see how far we go

Who: Adelle and Oz
Where: Snow White Sweets
When: 9AM

Adelle had woken up to feeling that something was wrong. A look in the mirror told her that she was wrong, and also, that whatever line on her face she had been worried about the previous night had either vanished or faded into obscurity. A peek outside showed her that the sun still shone bright, and the sky was still blue. Everything in the fridge was still well within its expiratory limits, and aside from how 'kinda' messy her room usually was, everything was well there too. The siren sighed to herself, pulled on a sundress and sat down to watch something on her DVR before starting the day.

That's when she realized what was wrong. Her stomach. Her stomach was. Gross. "Are you freakin' kidding me?! I'm gaining weight." Exasperated, she tore off the dress and ran back into her bedroom to check. The blinds were open, she didn't even care at this point. With one trembling finger, she poked her stomach and discovered that yes, she had a bit of a belly. It made the siren want to puke, but she had never been a bulimic and had no intention of starting that morning. "Running, I'm running today. Whoo." Pulling on a pair of running shorts and a pastel pink top, she made her way to the front door for her sneakers, and after gathering the rest of what she needed, she was off.

At first, her footfalls felt odd and out of place, and she cursed herself for slipping so far from her normal routine that she had gained. But it was necessary with the vampire bites and the bleeding that Kikuya had done. With a look at her hand, she figured she wouldn't have to worry about it today. Whisper had given her a few drops of her own blood, and she felt renewed, even under her horrifying pound or two of gain. So it didn't surprise her in the least that she ended up inside of a store devoted to sweets. Snow White Sweets. Like I'm not disgusted enough with myself as is.


Blood of a demon

Who: Bianca and Dagmar. Slipper and Nicor Demon (NPCs)
Where: Outside of St. Michael's
When: Early evening
Warning: Violence

You're demonic blood. We don't hurt our own. )


Congratulations, you are now the property of Angeline Moriarty.

Who: Hunter and Domina (and Hunter's familiar, Ulric)
When: Noonish
Where: Ad Gustum, dungeons

he felt very vulnerable and would like to keep his limbs to himself )


Movies and Mac and Cheese

Who: Telyn and Adam
When: Evening
Where: Her house
What: A sort of maybe date

Read more... )

Apr. 13th, 2010


Seasons change, but people don't

Who: Naoki, Tessa, their respective familiars (NPCs), and lol!demon (NPC)
Where: Park
When: 10:45am

It had been a while since Naoki had a decent spar with someone on the same caliber he was at. Then again, there was only one person in the area that he was aware of who was on that level - Tessa. He enjoyed the company of the tiny martial artist, more so than just a sparing partner. She was a refreshing breath of air when he needed it the most. Sure, she was impulsive as hell and that worried him to no extent, but her care-free attitude usually placed a wide smile on the witch's face. They were long overdue for some playful fighting, which was why Naoki had shot her several texts saying they just had to meet up. No more excuses. When was the last time they saw each other, anyways? This was ridiculous and getting solved now. Not to mention it was something to take his mind off of the letter he received from Misao the other day in regards to his sister and bloodline. That was the last thing he needed on his mind while sparring.

Naoki stretched out in the grass, wearing a loose tshirt and khaki shorts. He had kicked off his sneakers, which were to the side along with his wooden bo. Knowing Tessa, she probably brought her wooden sword to practice with, which made Naoki all sorts giddy. Hopefully she was improving with her technique, thus giving him something to look forward. When is she going to get here?! Snowball demanded, all sorts bouncy while her master stretched. Naoki merely smiled and let out a small chuckle before replying mentally, Soon enough, girl. I know you're excited to see Inaki and all, but have a little patience. Snowball whimpered in reply as she lied down and twitched her ears. A moment later, she perked up and caught sight of the petite girl and fox in the distance, wagging her tail about before darting off in their direction. THEY'RE HERE! TESSAAAAAA! Well, good to see someone was excited about this whole meeting.


To watch you, to shield you or kill on demand

Who: Kristen, Missy and Abyzou demon (NPC)
Where: Peloe home
When: Around 2:00 p.m.

When most kids woke up on their birthday they were excited. Especially for something so important as turning ten! But when Kristen's eyes fluttered open they were damp, her cheeks streaked with tears that had come while she slept for the second night in a row. Even now, hours later, she could still remember the fear that had haunted her dreams. Worse than just something happening to Missy it was almost like something was happening to the world. Again. Like... Kristen bit her lip, tucking into a roll across the grassy lawn. Like back at the end of June when all the demons had come. "But that's not happening again," Kristen assured Mitzi as she came up from her roll, offering a smile for the puppy and letting her crawl into her lap. "What's wrong, Mitzi?" Normally the golden retriever pup was a wriggling little ball of energy, but right then she was shaking and whimpering.

There it was again, that sick twist to her stomach and Kristen felt herself gagging as she forced herself to stand, still holding Mitzi in her arms. She completely forgot about the fact that she was upset about Missy going to work on her birthday. About the whole thing with her not listening because right then all that mattered was something wasn't right. "Anna?" Kristen called for her baby-sitter as she backed towards the house, eyes on the gate leading out of the yard. The latch was shifting, wriggling and opening and Mitzi whimpered again as the gate swung in.

Let go of my sister or I'm going to blow your brains out. )


Something's not right in Wonderland...er...the Emergency Room

Who: Morrigan, Neil, Ryan, Gabe and an Uphir demon (NPC)
Where: University of Michigan Hospital, Emergency Room
When:  High Noon
What: 'You're Not A Doctor!'

Barely an hour, maybe it was just shy of so, after the numerous announcements, dire warnings of demons and death and violence, and the E.R. was flooded with an intake of people needing help. It looked to be only the beginning, being only an hour, or less, of time since the first attacks had seemed to have occurred. Doctors, residents, nurses, students and interns all rushed and did their best to keep up with the flow of incoming injuries, orderlies busily stocking and restocking the supplies that were needed, that would be needed.

It was near chaos, and far from pretty, all sound and action. Among the others, a petite redheaded nurse threw herself as much into answering the need to help as any other, snatches of remembering in her mind, of wartime hospitals, soldiers and sailors. Here, at least, she consoled herself on the turn of a thought, the facilities were clean, and nearly orderly compared to the first she had ever worked for, the first that had put her off the profession for a good twenty years.

No one yet noticed that there was one more doctor than there should have, someone unknown among the white coated ranks. Someone or something far from human, and far from caring about easing the pain, confusion and worry of patients.


I went to the crossroads, fell down on my knees

Who: Galen, Andras demon (NPC)
Where: a crossroads
When: nightfall
What: Galen makes a deal.

Show us those you hate and we shall hate them better. )

Apr. 12th, 2010


The Sound of Silence

Who: Raina, a Ronove Demon and Zale
Where: Raina's Home
When:  Just after 11 am
What: Demons, Elementals and Vampires

The phone she held in her hand slipped, escaping the suddenly loose grip of her fingers, only a moment after she had tapped the button to send a text message back to her sister. There was the warning cry, within her mind, the voice obviously Oma’s, but it was drowned out by the loud thudding of her heart in her ears, and the clunk and crack of her phone as it hit the doorstep she stood on.

Silent, in looming silence, the shadowy figure standing on the walkway to the front door simply stared her down. Whatever it was, her mind supplied ‘demon’ in a hushed heavy whisper, it watched her with frighteningly cruel eyes.

She didn’t know which of them moved first, it or herself, but in an instant, they leapt from utter stillness to a rushed flurry of movement. Through the doorway of her home, Raina ran, but the beginning attempt to slam the door behind her was interrupted and aborted by the thud of the wood hitting the creature and the door was wrenched from her grasp. The fingers that curled over the side of the door were more shadow than substance. Not a fact that she could delve into, as the door was slammed open again, catching her in the shoulder.


Finding the safest and least accessible place to stay

Who: Marlowe and Lucius
Where: Their House
When: 11:15ish in the am

Read more )

Apr. 11th, 2010


And I looked down upon my dominion as Master of all; and I thought it good

Who: Westley and Trigger and a handful of Alchemists (NPCs)
Where: Midtown
When: Around 9pm
Why: Because Westley has cabin fever

One of the most absolutely irritating things about being a God was the maintenance. People didn't just believe anymore, oh no, they needed constant reassurance that this was a Westley-o-centric universe. Frankly, Wes was beginning to believe that free will was just such a bitch, and something that definitely needed editing once he had control of things. And everyone would just totally love that idea.

Because he'd tell them so.

Still, nothing quite said 'Heed my awesome power' like blowing away a few demons so having enchanted a few of his favorite items in his arsenal, Westley headed out with his favorite apostles and decided to add another chapter to the Big Book. Sure they'd write it up as some sort of flaming sword swinging down to smite the evil creatures, but all in all the enchanted assault rifle was still something rather unique to behold. Casting a spell on the clip to affect its power had a really fun effect: a bullet could hit for all the power of a spitball or a guided missile and everything in between. Life was just so more, oh what was the word? Exhilarating not knowing entirely how any given bullet would damage his target. Granted this was somewhat tempered by his current weapon's ability to vomit up tons of bullets in any given moment so any failed bullets would most likely be quickly overcome by their more deadly counterparts but still, the thought was still there.

Locking in his clip he did a test stream of shots across the middle of the road causing a few bullet holes and two large potholes to be formed. With a loud laugh he said simply to his followers, "Sally forth, the hunt begins!"


When lies turn into truth

Who: Dagmar, Linnea and Satu + their familiars (NPC)
Where: Niemi Household
When: Morning

Only time will tell its tale, if it all has been in vain. )


Shouldn't you be creeped out by now?

Who: Bianca and Evan
Where: 7-11
When: 3:00 a.m. or so

Didn't take you for the kinda girl who liked dead things. )


It didn't turn out the way you wanted it to

Who: Galen, Graham, and Kismet (NPC)
Where: Random coffeeshop
When: 10am

Oh shit, not YOU again... )

Apr. 10th, 2010


There's no need for nervousness, it's just a little turbulence~

Who: Bren and Lita
Where: phonelines
When: Around 1pm

Got a free upgrade for snakes on a plane, fuck em I don't care. )


Shut Up, Shut Up, I Can't Listen Anymore

Who: Barnabas, Yelena and Andras demon (NPC)
Where: Streets of SO
When: Twilight

Before he could fully register the thought his mind, normally quiet thanks to his ability to tune out others, was flooded with dark, hateful things. )


He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man

Who: Bailey, Kiara, respective familiars (NPCs), and a demon (NPC)
Where: Starbucks
When: 11am

It was absolutely miserable outside, like to the point that Bailey called out of work because fuck that. She was not going outside and braving that lovely humidity one bit. Being inside where she could actually breathe was far better, thank you very much. All was well, too, until she went to go make herself a pot of coffee and realized... well damn, there was none. Bailey stripped her entire kitchen apart to try and find enough ground up beans to make half a cup, but there was nothing. After taking her coffee pot and smashing it to the ground, she stomped off to her bathroom to wash up and get dressed, because girl needed her caffeine fix and the only way she was getting that was through going outside.

Bailey was not happy about this. She even tried calling up Starbucks to see if they could deliver her some coffee, and no use. Rolling her eyes, she gathered her belongings and headed on out. Thankfully the Starbucks wasn't too far of a drive from her studio loft. Waiting in line impatiently, she kept herself entertained with Loki, who kept poking his head out of her purse to check out the surroundings. She didn't bring her snake familiar around often, but the freaked out stares she was receiving from people in line made her smirk with pleasure. Maybe she had to tote him around more often to freak people out. Once to the counter, she ordered the biggest hazelnut latte she could get with extra everything. Could never go wrong with that.

With her drink in hand, she began to head on outside, sipping slowly on her drink, loving every moment of it. It wasn't until her familiar spoke in her head that she perked up an eyebrow. Bailey, they're here. "What? Who's here?" The demons. "Tch, how do you know?" A) because I sense it and B) because there's one right across the street. Funny thing about that, because there was one across the street. Bailey stopped in her tracks as she stared the female figure down. While Bailey was relatively calm about it, even though her eyes were bulging out of her sockets, everyone else around her was freaking the fuck out to the point that someone ran right into her and caused her to drop her latte to the ground, spilling the beverage everywhere. Awesome. Just fucking awesome. A demonic fire burned in her brown eyes as she snarled, trying to figure out who to torch first: the person who collided into her or the demon for freaking out said person.


Make my heart a better place

Who: Charlene and Roxy
Where: The river
When: Morning

"Why can't you be a dolphin?"

Charlene's voice was serious as she propped her chin up in her hands, staring at the painted turtle sharing the fallen tree with her that morning. All of these freshwater animals were really starting to bother her. None of them possessed enough wits to talk back with her. None of them could sing and none of them tasted near as good as their saltwater counterparts. It was almost like they had simply had all of the interesting traits filtered right out of them. Even the aquatic plantlife was colorless in comparison. Oh sure, the occasional bright green bloom of algae or seaweed appeared, but they were not near as common as she thought they should be. But really, what she missed was talking with the dolphins and whales. "You could at least try talking." Charlene rolled her eyes as she reached out to prod at the turtle. She wanted to have someone to talk to because it had been over a day since she had. Half a year ago she would have been fine without talking, or at least more used to it, but that had changed. "Move?"

It just blinked at her. Sighing, the mermaid rolled onto her back, tail disturbing the surface of the water as she moved. It was not really the turtle's fault it could not talk and besides, even if it could she would not have been satisfied. Like she wanted to talk to a turtle. What she really wanted was for that Adelle-girl to be proven right. And that? Seemed a little less likely today than it had the day before since Roxy was, clearly, still not there. "You know," the mermaid spoke to the turtle again, reaching out to scoop it up since it was trying to slip back into the river. "You should be able to talk! Sea turtles can... you're half the size of them." Her dark eyes were serious as she regarded the turtle that had suddenly retreated into its shell, small eyes blinking out from the darkness of its retreat. "Least you could do is try..."

Easier to try talking to a turtle than to think about the fact that she was going to be spending another day alone because Nixie was gone and Roxy, well, maybe Adelle had just been trying to make her feel better. "I'll give her two more days," she informed the shelled turtle. "Then I'll do what Nixie wanted." Its little head poked out. "No, I don't have a real reason... I just want to wait. That okay with you?"

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