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Apr. 9th, 2010


Livin' in a lonely world

Who: Owen, Rowena and their respective boys (NPCs)
Where: The Rook house
When: 11am
What: Playdate and worried adults

Hudson had been on the prowl for most of the morning and wasn't really talking to anyone. This had Edward a little worried. He was still trying to come to terms with what he'd learned the day before about his mother. The little boy liked the woman he'd met and liked that his mother was alive, but it was still weird to him. Then again, his father had just disappeared and reappeared in his life, so to him, it was almost normal. He'd taken to drawing her pictures, making up for lost time, it seemed. He was excited that his new friend was coming to visit. Though it was a lot for a little boy, he seemed to just handle it one piece at a time.

Owen, on the other hand, was still trying to deal with everything, including the fact that he'd slept with his wife. God, that night had been amazing and yet, she was still staying in a hotel because they needed to get to know each other again. It was hard, with such a clear memory of how it felt to be with her, to hold her, feel her. He wondered what Rowena would say. He had thought he was being smart. But he wondered if he had just laid his heart out to be broken all over again. At least he knew that she was staying, that she was going to be there for their little boy.

At the sound of the doorbell, he abandoned the coffee pot to answer it, Edward hiding behind his leg, grinning as he opened the door to reveal their new friends.



DATE: Friday, July 10, 2009.


WEATHER: There's a nearly unbearable spike in humidity as the clouds start rolling in. Fire elementals are not going to be happy today.

EVENTS: An Amber Alert has been issued for a five-year-old Scarlet Oak boy named Tommy Welsen. Tommy went missing while his parents were working on funeral arrangements for his paternal grandfather. All electronic signs and billboards in the Scarlet Oak/Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti area are broadcasting details on the missing child, and local authorities are organizing search parties. Civilians interested in volunteering can meet at city hall.

But wait, there's more! Also missing is local college student Matt Jacobsen. Matt has been missing a little over 24 hours, and was last spotted in a local bar with a British woman with black hair. Patrons overheard the woman introduce herself as Eileen. Matt never returned home from the bar, but local police were unable to file a missing person's report until he met certain qualifications. He meets them now – and then some. 89-year-old Ann Arbor native Dorothy Arnolds had quite the scare today when she discovered human bones in her flower garden. A search of the area had lead to a few more similar discoveries – all of charred, heavily burned bones. DNA tests are pending, but the entire skeleton has yet to be accounted for. Residents as far as Scarlet Oak are now reporting finding bones in their gardens.

And all that? That's just what's happening in the early morning.

At 11 AM on the dot, familiars will tense and know that danger is imminent. The demons aren't coming back – they're already here. Everywhere. Just like on June 25th. The difference is that this time? The American government is heeding the familiar's warnings. An immediate state of emergency is called, all television and radio channels having their broadcasts interrupted in favor of warnings. The demons are back. Only this time, they're different kinds.

Why yes, it seems Niall Mag Aoidh wasn't another religious kook taking credit. While his interview generated virtually no stateside press yesterday, today national intelligence is scouring for every bit of information on this man and his group that they can get. Reports are that this man and his coven – a group of upwards of four hundred witches of every vocation – were working on a large spell from 3 AM Dublin time until 3 PM. At which point, demons swarmed the area, and every member of the coven disappeared. Literally.

Of course, it's impossible to say how true that last part really is. The few remaining eye-witnesses were overcome and outnumbered by demons, and none are expected to live out the day. The few that held onto consciousness while been transported to safety insist that the coven disappeared.

What does this mean for Scarlet Oak residents? Well, it means you better cover your ass. Legionaries of Abyzou, Andras, Deumos, Nicor, Ronove, and Uphir are in the Ann Arbor/Scarlet Oak/Ypsilanti area, and it's a Demonic free-for-all. Local broadcasts are replaying a recording of the safety advice made on June 25th: the demons can be killed, and the best method in doing this is decapitation, or destroying the heart/and or brain. They will be repelled by all things holy – of any faith. Don't go anywhere alone. Stay in groups until we know more. There are thousands of types of demons, and until we know what specifically we're dealing with, that's all that can be said.

Group shelters are being set up immediately in the Scarlet Oak area. The high school has set up an indefinite shelter in the gym, with dozens of cots and open doors for any who wish to wait it out together. The same has been done at First Baptist Church, and Saint Andrew's Catholic Church. A city-wide curfew has not yet been announced, but residents are encouraged to stay in groups, in safe places, and not go out unless absolutely necessary.

If you have something you feel warrants a mention in the next time update, please let the mods know!

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