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Jul. 13th, 2009


Fancy Meeting You Here

Who: Isis and Niko
Where: Gas station somewhere
When: 10pm

Isis needed ice cream, dammit. Yeah, yeah, so she'd already gone to bed but suddenly mad ice cream craving. So she'd gotten up, thrown on some shorts and a high waisted red tank top and drove to the nearest gas station for a quart. Okay, maybe she'd just buy a whole 5 gallon bucket so she didn't have to buy more for a few days.

And she never realized gas stations had so many flavors of ice cream. She was standing in front of the freezer case (with the door shut) trying to decide between about four different kinds. Of course, she could always buy a pint of each. Hmm.


The Best Bartering System

Who: Jovie and Niko
When: Early Evening, around 6pm
Where: Phonelines to start
Warning: NSFW

After he got off work, Niko headed home and on the drive decided that it'd be a good idea to call up someone and maybe get some company. Thinking about having company lead his brain to Jovie. His brain on Jovie lead to wanting to hop into a shower and be presentable so he'd get to maybe get in the same room with Jovie. And if he got in the same room with Jovie? Well, that thought had him flipping his phone open and thumbing through the contacts on it as he pulled his truck to a stop at the stop sign. Maybe he'd get lucky and she wouldn't be busy.

do you need ten dollars? )


Who: Eric and Emma Jane
What: Watching a movie, realizing that they're both still very much aware of each other
When: Monday June 8, 2009, evening

Don't know how you won my heart cause I'd locked it )

Jul. 12th, 2009


June 8: Wait, love? What?

Who: Day and Tilly
Where: Phone, then Tilly's house
When: Afternoon

Since it was still fairly early, and his chat with Lacy the night before had reminded him that he hadn't talked to Tilly in a while, once Day got out of the shower and had tried his hair out, he went in search of his cell phone. He flopped down on his bed with it, punched Tilly's speed-dial button, and waited for her to pick up.

Tilly had spent her day happily bouncing around her house, more specifically her room, packing up for the greatest camping trip in history. Or so she would make it. When the music of Shiny Toy Guns started sounding from the depths of the pile of things on her bed, meaning Day was calling her, Tilly dropped the things she was holding - a t-shirt and a pair of flip flops - and went on the hard quest of retrieving her cell phone from the bowels of confusion itself. Once she finally got to it, Tilly threw herself on the little bed space that wasn't crawling with 'stuff' and answered the phone. After most of the song had played. "Hello dearest! Where have you been? I missed you!" She said excitedly. Tilly was nothing if not happy at the moment.

A first real fight. )


Who: Danny & Skylar
When: Monday, 1ish
Where: Sarah's Place

This is the only productive thing I've done all weekend... though one could debate the productivity rating of watching 51 episodes of Generation 1 Transformers... those who would debate it, however, shall be mocked. Intensely. )


Lover Quarrels

Who: Evan and Dorcas... Again. Sorry guys.
Where: Dorcas's house.
When: Sometime after six PM
WHY? We don't know! We're SORRY.
Warning: NSFW

You want me to wear a skirt? )


She goes running for the shelter...

Who: Freddie and Josie (mother - NPC)
When: early evening
Where: their home

Happy. This was a word Freddie hadn't been able to use to describe herself in quite a long time. But that is what she'd been lately, and it was all because of Rhys, and Row, and how socializing seemed to be working out for Freddie at the moment. And even though she dreaded coming home or staying there most of the time - hence why she stayed out for such long periods of time - today it didn't even register for her. She was too busy going through the past few days in her head.

...of a mother's little helper )


Nothing like waking up in a cage

Who: Claire and Gabe
When: Early morning
Where: Gabe's house

After Charlie left, Claire remained in the same room as Gabe, relieved once his agitation seemed to die down after Charlotte's departure. She stayed up as long as she could, but eventually she stretched out on the floor, pulled off her sweatshirt to use as a pillow, and fell asleep. She knew she should have went out to sleep on the bed, but at that point she had been too tired to really move, and as much as it wasn't Gabe pacing in that cage, she didn't want to leave him. She just hoped he didn't find some way to get out while she slept because yeah, that would be bad. It was a fitful kind of sleep because really, how well could you rest with a caged werewolf in the same room? She didn't know what time it was when she began to wake up, but she doubted the sun had risen completely yet as she opened her eyes and blinked a couple times, the blurry cage coming into view. She didn't see the massive hybrid wolf inside and it startled her for a second, causing her to inhale sharply and sit up. She finally realized that the wolf was no longer there because Gabe had shifted back at some point. He was naked, but it was definitely him.

Gabe shivered, laying cold on the basement floor. His entire body ached as if he'd been beat up and run a marathon, and at first he couldn't remember why. While he didn't want to move, he was cold, and reached for a blanket that wasn't there. Nothing seemed right, his memories fuzzy as he tried to think back far enough to understand where he was. The last thing he remembered was... Claire. On the other side of bars. And excruciating pain. Gabe groaned and pulled his knees up to his chest. He was groggy, and hungry, but very much alive.

Read more... )

Jul. 11th, 2009


Being a Movie Extra Isn't All It's Cracked Up To Be

Who: Day and Hannah
Where: The sets for that morning
When: About noonish

The shooting for the scene Day was in was almost over. Thank god. They'd done eleven takes so far, and none of them seemed to be satisfying to the director or the actors themselves. Day's make-up was starting to itch, and his fingers were itching to put his costume into some semblance of order rather than the complete chaos it was in, now. He hadn't really considered, when he signed up for this, just how dirty and messy zombies were.

At least the fake blood wasn't as disturbing as he'd been afraid of. It was nothing compared to Kalous Dawn, last night, anyway.

They were just now finishing take number twelve, and Day was really, really hoping they could move on and let him go change and shower.

Networking is awesome, though. )


Meeting the neighbours

Who: Kaye and Isis
Where: Outside Kaye's house.
When: Around 3pm

Kaye was feeling productive. Having sucessfully made her way to the local shops and picked up a trowel, gardening gloves and some magic supplies, she was now setting up wards around the new house. Louise wouldn't be arriving for a couple of days but Kaye wanted it to be as ready as physically possible for when she did and now the weather had cleared up she had the chance. She had already made four pouches,; each containing a piece of hawk's eye, turquoise and clear quartz and buried them at the four points of the compass around the building. Now she was sitting on the front path, facing the front door about to cast the spell itself.

Eyes closed, a wave of frustration bubbled through her when the words for a permanent ward for the house appeared in her mind and she forced the feelings of annoyance down. That spell would never work for her and she damn well knew it so she concentrated on the one she had cast every three months for the last 6 years. The familiar words came to her and she spoke them aloud, though quietly before sending out a little of her will to finish the spell. As she felt the magic settle around her, she smiled and gradually became aware of a presence behind her. Turning around, she saw a young woman with dark hair watching her and gave a small wave. "Good afternoon" she said politely because even she could start a conversation like a normal person.


vampire wanted

Where: Heme
When: Late afternoon

After getting off her shift, Nox went to Heme. After a brief discussion with the owner, she was allowed to place a small flier near the door.

Vampire Volunteer(s) Wanted to council young vampires without sires. Must come from credible lines. Contact Officer Nox de Roux at ###.###.#### if interested.

Jul. 10th, 2009


Eat one cheeseburger and call me in the morning

Who: Chrissy and Harrison
When: Morning
Where: The clinic

Chrissy had spent most of the night awake, worried about the man that took blood from her attacking her again. She was still feeling a little lightheaded the following morning, so she decided she needed to go to the clinic. She wasn't about to tell the doctor what had happened. She just wanted to make sure she'd be alright, so she told the woman that she'd given blood and felt a little lightheaded afterward. The woman lead her to an exam room and sat her down on the little table there and told her to wait for someone to come in and see her.

Nights after the full moons seemed to be busier that most- or well this was his first full moon but it still seemed busier than the other nights and he remembered not so fondly that when there were full moons when he was still a resident things were pretty harsh. Harrison entered the exam room, still scanning the board with the girl... Chrissy's records. "Hello Chrissy." He said as he hooked the file onto the exam tray and stepped over to the wall to grab some gloves from the holder. "How are we feeling today?"
Read more... )


Who: Freddie and Row
When: Mid-late afternoon
Where: On the streets, yo

Rowan had filled out so many applications over the course of the day that her hand hurt and she was starting to go cross-eyed whenever she tried to read. A few had been promising though, and she still had her shift at the Bucket tonight. Once she finished up this street she was done. She came out of the diner she'd just tried, and tried to remember where the hell she had chained her bike. She was pretty sure the shape of the seat was permanently indented in her ass by now. She had half a mind to leave it there and walk. Things had been kind of easier in the freaking looney bin.

But at least now she was allowed to cut her food with a knife. 50/50.


A Love Note

Letter left for Zero on the pillow )



Who: Dom, Squid
Where: Lakefront
When: 10 PM

Round One )


Who: Blake and Rhys
What: Puttin a little Rhys in it to make the day better
When: Monday June 8, 2009 evening

Sometimes I say the dumbest things )



Who: Rowena and Noah
When: Around 8:30
Where: Noah's Home
Warning: NSFW

Rowena had been antsy the whole night. From the moment she stepped foot in the house, all the way through dinner, and then the entire movie as well. All that pent up frustration inside of her from the events that afternoon just seemed to build with every little glance he gave her, every little smile. Such an evil, evil man. It was practically torture to sit through that movie with the boys. But, Rowena somehow managed to get through to bedtime.

lighting up a flame )

Jul. 9th, 2009


Anyone in the mood for pizza?

Who: Brogan and Vivienne (And NPC Ennis)
When: Seven pm
Where: Brogan's house

Vivienne had gotten all the ingredients for pizza the night before and two minutes shy of seven p.m. she was on Brogan's doorstep with the bags draped over her arm. She would have worn something to make his eyes widen just a bit, but she'd decided against it since there would be a child around the house and that would probably be a bad idea, so she settled for something casual instead. Date night she'd be sure to make his mouth drop open just a little bit.

Reaching up, she knocked lightly on the door and waited for him to answer.


Sell Yourself

Who: Cara and Ava
Where: An Elevator in Cherryblossom Place
When: 10 PM

Only the good die young )


putting the pieces together

Who: Colin, Nox, and maybe Cara?
When: Late morning/afternoon
Where: SOPD

Nox was having a bit of a miserable day. Normally she was fine working the day after the full moon, but normally she worked nights. She'd switched to days since Mercy came to live with her, and her body was fighting the change in schedule tooth and nail. The only thing keeping her running were near-criminal doses of caffeine.

She'd spent the morning conducting interviews on the packlands when she got word to head back to the station. It seemed her missing vampire from the mugging a week back had come in to turn himself in. That was certainly unexpected. He wasn't under arrest, but Nox told them to keep him there while she hauled ass back to the station to talk to him. Perfect day for her partner to call in sick.

After swinging by her desk to grab the case file, she headed out to the waiting room.

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