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Jul. 9th, 2009


Who: Mercy & Jessalyn
When: Afternoon
Where: Mercy's home
What: Chance encounter

Mercy let out a sigh as she looked out the window of her bedroom. She spent a lot of time in her bedroom, just looking out the window at the world she was too scared to be apart of. She had tried, she really did. She had gone to Charlotte's party but there had been too many people. She had ducked out, shifted, and run home. She still felt bad for doing it.

Now she just stayed around the house, only walking around the neighborhood when there were few people out. other than that she stayed indoors. She suspected Nox was worried about her, but Mercy spoke very little and kept to herself.

It was hard for her, living as a human again. She often wished to shed her clothes and go back into the wild. Things made sense then. Maybe that night she would shift and go out again. Maybe find Colin.

She stood up and headed downstairs. It was time for her walk. She made it a point to go outside once a day at least. She didn't want to turn into some nut job who hid in the house for the rest of her life. Though she was certainly heading in that direction. She put on her sneakers and headed outside, tucking her bright red hair behind her ears and heading down the street.


Ghostess With the Mostess

Who: Evan, Dorcas, Elizabeth
Where: House of Interest antique store
When: Around five-ish after Evan gets off work

Dorcas still had an hour of work left. The boss lady probably would have let her off early since the clock of Doom had gotten sold the day before. That was awesome. And now there were plans to run away to London and just have a kick ass time. She couldn't wait. Well, she had to wait. People needed to get passports. They weren't dual citizens like she was.

The shop was empty so she was back to sitting on her stool and reading. Or trying to read. Actually she was staring into space and not getting anything done what so ever. She was having one of her moments were focusing and remembering all got jumbled up but it was impossible to tell. Eh, not like it mattered if she was braining well at the moment, right?

... Right?

Jul. 8th, 2009


Who: Noah Roberts and Rowena Scott
Where: Pelurious Paws/Noah's Home
When: June 8th / 2009 - 2:30pm
Rating: Slight R, just to be safe

He was apathetic towards the animal's death, but he was annoyed at himself that he'd relied on his murderous crutch because of letting Rowena find out his secret. )

Jul. 9th, 2009


Who: Artus and Verity
What: Artus decides to call Verity
When: Monday June 8, 2009 11 am

Artus had just typed his final sentence of his book and in addition to feeling tremendously relieved over that, he also felt an overwhelming sense of doom. Now his publisher and manager could have a field day on behalf of his reluctance to do what he was told and write the novel they had agreed upon. He wanted to tell Delphine about it but he didn't know how so he took a deep breath, pressed save, and walked away from his computer. Fixing his glasses as he paced he figured out just what he should do.

He took his cell phone and headed out his personal entrance, sitting on the sidewalk cross legged as he nervously dialed Verity's number. Yes he already had it finished. Would she be busy? He hoped not. He just needed someone to celebrate with him before the world came crashing back into reality, before Delphine got upset that he wrote something so personal and his manager decided that the most appropriate response would be to laugh in his face to such a novel. He took a deep breath telling himself it was going to be alright as he pressed send and put his phone up to his ear. "Please don't go to voicemail, please don't go to voicemail, please don't go to voicemail."


The Grass is Greener

Who: Scott and Erin
Where: Forsythe Funeral Home
When: Early afternoon

The crew had been working their asses off since dawn. The work around town was never done and honestly, Scott wasn't feeling so hot anyhow after the full moon so he'd been a little irritable and snappish all morning. Well, now they were at one of their big contracts. The funeral home was a relatively new contract and they all had to be on their best behavior so no one was crashing lawnmowers into each other or jousting with the stick end of rakes.

And to make up for his earlier snapping, he'd bought beer for everyone on the strict orders that they leave no trash behind. After all, cleaning up the litter was part of their thing and it always got recycled. Help the planet and that bullshit.

It was a humid day after all the rain and the male population of his company were all generally working in shorts and shoes... That was about it. Including him. Scott and his beer were trying to get one of the mowers working after it decided to die on them. It had fuel so what had decided to go to pot? Although honestly, the extent of his trying to help was more standing around while one of the others was poking around and offering suggestions like, "Did you try kicking it?"

Jul. 8th, 2009


Who: Krist and Squid
Where: On Krist's stomping grounds (the square of land above the wolf territory)
When: June 8th 2009, morning

Krist was glad that the rain had finally stopped; the night had been stressful and uncertain for him. He hated when it rained, each and every time. With rain there was thunder, and with thunder there was panic. He didn't know why he felt that way, but as far back as he could remember, it just seemed to be the norm. The mares he had lived with previously would stomp and grow anxious, and he'd always felt himself grow overwhelmed with them. It wasn't something that made sense really. Having a higher intelligence made those things seem strange to him, particularly now that he had become independent, out on his own and making his own decisions. The humans were never concerned when it rained, so why was he?

It didn't really matter, anymore, the worry over the rainfall. With daylight came a clear sky and he had started to drift through the forest, grazing casually as he went. Krist didn't mind having to fend for himself, though at times he wondered about his future. He wasn't exactly young anymore, and he had still not made any level of real connection with the humans living so close by. He wondered if he would ever really blend in, if that was even possible.

His long and tangled tail swept upward, slapping over a scarred patch of flesh on his skin, a fly ushered away by the movement in the air before even being touched. Krist stopped and stood tall, dark eyes watching the surrounding land calmly. The river nearby was tempting and he moved to go to it, to get something to drink. A familiar shape caught his attention and he looked upward into the tree near him, an incredibly tempting apple dangling above him. It was too far to reach, even as he stretched his neck upward as far as it would reach. He huffed and stomped the ground in frustration, not really in the mood to have to change forms to get what he wanted, but... he was hungry, and it was so tempting...

Krist finally did change, and as he did so his hands reached for the tree trunk, grabbing it to hoist himself upward into the branches. He was going to have that fruit if it killed him.

Jul. 9th, 2009


Who: Bunny, anyone at the Lowell house
Where: Uranus. Otherwise known as the Lowell house.
When: Late morning/early afternoon

Even after running around in the rain all night, Bunny didn't sleep much. She could catnap anytime, so she often slept at random through-out the day in the summer, rather than all at once at night. Once she had the energy to do so, she was off to Do Things. First, stop by and see if she could talk to Myra. Later, she'd go get a script at the community theater.

She tried to avoid splashing in any puddles on her way, and was rather proud of herself for being (mostly) successful. After ringing the doorbell, she fought back a yawn and pushed her oversized plastic sunglasses up her nose. If she'd known Psalm was staying there, she probably would have stayed away. Probably.

Jul. 8th, 2009


The morning after.

Who: Tayne and Rowena
Where: Tayne's house
When: Morning

Tayne hadn't slept all night. He couldn't have slept even if he tried, not with all the noises and smells and little twitches of motion that caught his eye. Not with the storm that raged until not long before dawn. Not with the were who'd bit him locked up in his closet, who might wake up at any moment if he'd misjudged her dose. Not, now that he'd been reminded of how his father had died at the teeth of a were-- how he could have not thought about it, immediately, he didn't know, except perhaps being in some kind of shock.

So he sat up all night, on the couch, breathing through his mouth so he couldn't smell as much and listening to every little thing in the house-- including the breathing and steady heartbeat of the were in his closet, who finally started stirring, and shifting back, around dawn.

I bit you?! )


Who: Brady and Hannah
Where: The Liberty Inn
When: Morning, 9ish.

Follow Through )


All Shook Up

Who: Hal, Fiona, Alejandro
Where: Anywhere, But Here
When: 9:30pm

Well, that'd been the weekend from bloody hell, thanks.

Luckily, nothing else had blown up. Hal wasn't certain what he'd done if it hadn't. All he knew that now it was mostly over, he was just glad it was mostly over. He'd thought about canceling the plans he'd made with Fiona. She'd understand, he was certain.

But he knew he'd just get a scolding from Annie if he put off a date to fret over her. He'd been trying all weekend and all he seemed to be doing was upsetting her more. He just couldn't bloody win. So, he was doing what any sensible man who was having a bad weekend would.

Getting absolutely smashed and chatting up a beautiful woman.

So he'd left his car at Fiona and they'd taken a taxi to Anywhere but Here. If things went well, neither of them would be in any condition to be driving. So they'd just ring for a taxi back to her place. It was a bit presumptuous, but he lived ridiculously out of the way and her house was much closer. And yes, he was hoping in succeeding in chatting her up afterwards. If he was remotely upright anyways.

Holding the door open for her, always the gentleman, he chuckled dryly. "Not quite as fancy as the last place," he admitted. "Hope you'll enjoy it anyway."


Who: Psalm and Myra
What: Reflections on the day before, freaking out about his mom
When: Monday June 8, 2009 6:00 am
Where: Myra's house

In failed attempts to forget about, being frustrated to myself. )


Who: Brogan and Penny
Where: The house
When: Morning
Why: To bring Miss. Jones into the game.
Open: Nope
Rating: Low.

They say bad things happen for a reason. )


job hunting

Who: Jackson and Row
When: Morning
Where: the bookstore where Jackson works

Whoever said 'it's just like riding a bike' was a sick, lying bastard.

Okay, the bike was older than she was, and she did have a few broken fingers, and that probably factored in there somewhere. But having not used it in almost six months, it did take her a few minutes to fall back into it. She narrowly avoided a ditch and then a tree, but she got into town with no new injuries.

She'd made a few calls the previous night and had managed to secure a job at the Berry Bucket, but she wanted another one. She didn't have a dime to her name, and her mom's budget was tighter than ever. So she was making the rounds in Scarlet Oak, stopping anywhere she thought A) might hire her, and B) she didn't know anyone working there already. She was putting off running into familiar faces for as long as possible, thank you.

She stopped at a bookstore that looked doable, chained her bike, and went inside. She saw (unfortunately) a guy not too much older than she was behind the counter, but she didn't recognize him immediately, so she sucked it up and headed to the counter. "Hey. Is this place hiring?"



DATE: Monday, June 8, 2009.

WEATHER: Around one AM the rain turns to a full-on storm, but it moves east within several hours. By the time the sun rises the rain has stopped, and sunshine lasts through-out the day!

EVENTS: The second full moon after the Light of May went over extremely successfully all over the world. Newspapers report that 'animal attack' tolls for the full moon went down a whopping eighty-six percent from last year in the United States, while Canada and the UK had similar results. As for Scarlet Oak itself, no alleged were attacks have been reported. There was, however, a fatality.

The body of an eighteen year old man was found in the woods known as the pack lands. The man has not yet been identified, nor has his cause of death. He was murdered, but further testing will be needed to determine by what. The body has been sent to the local medical examiner, while police will be questioning people in the area the body was found in.

The body has raised certain questions however, as early as the morning news. Do all medical personnel and law enforcement agents need new, updated training to help identify crimes committed by the supernatural? The issue is something that's popped up every now and then on national news, but no new laws have been passed on the matter. However, the Scarlet Oak police chief announces today that the township police department is creating new positions for vampires, effective immediately. That's right, vampire cops. SOPD already has several were officers and detectives, and now they want to cover their bases with vampires. Applicants must have experience in law enforcement. And apparently, humans aren't the only ones being hit hard by today's economy, because vampires (and, ridiculously enough, people trying to pass as vampires) show up in droves to apply for the few, coveted spots. An out of work deputy from Detroit does an interview for the morning news saying he would be willing to be turned to secure the job.

Naturally, the human rights people are pissed off. They were never happy with weres wearing the blue, but vampires? That is firmly The Line. Today there are more protesters surrounding the SOPD than there are at the filming of Vampires Versus Zombies!

It's a day of monumental announcements as far as law enforcement around the country goes, however. Today, the FBI holds a press conference and finally announces what many had been hoping for - or dreading. Any case that went unsolved that contains evidence of a supernatural catalyst can and will be re-opened and re-investigated. It's been widely speculated that this was only a matter of time, what with many missing persons that were turned coming out of the woodwork. Believe it or not, human rights activists are pretty happy about this one. They believe it's only a matter of time before it's a proven fact that the supernatural is bad, and that blame for most unsolved cases will fall firmly at the feet of the supernatural heathens. A local news crew went to Heme to get opinions from the supernatural side, and did an interview with the bar owner - a vampire from the House of Azrael. When asked how he felt about the human rights opinion, he grinned and said simply, "Bring it on." Supernatural rights activists are just as sure that this decision will prove they're not as bad as they're being made out to be.

But away from world news and politics, and back to our little corner of the world! It's not all 'heavy news' today. The Scarlet Oak Community Theater is readying for their summer season! Their next project is announced today, and the play chosen is a musical, Into the Woods. Scripts can be picked up at Scarlet Oak Community Theater any time during business hours, and auditions start Friday. People of all ages are encouraged to try out. There's also a number to sign-up for the behind-the-scenes and technical aspects of the project.

Today also marks the opening of Scarlet Oak's historical old-time movie drive-in, The Berry Bucket. The Berry Bucket opens and runs every year from June to early September, with a double-feature every night. This week's features are an evening showing of Monsters vs. Aliens, and a late-night doublefeature of The Haunting in Connecticut and The Unborn.

If you have something you feel warrants a mention in the next time update, please let the mods know!

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