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June 18th, 2009

[info]lionsbrian in [info]light_of_may

Ad in the local Classifieds

Wanted: Salesman and Shop Attendant

Looking for salesman, full time position to work in and monitor a furniture gallery.

Starting Salary is $16 per hour plus commission. Cannot be the allergic to cats.

To contact for interviews:
Brian McBeth, McBeth Woodworks

[info]handson in [info]light_of_may

Who: Chris and Erin
When: Evening
Where: Random book store

Erin had made plans earlier in the week to attend a poetry reading at a book store in the city. It wasn't until she actually got there that she checked her phone and saw a text message cancelation. Erin rolled her eyes and shoved the phone back in her pocket. Typical. Did people have any idea how hard it was to parallel park a hearse?

Screw it. I'm here. I'm staying. She would not let such a thing ruin her Friday night! If the reading blew, she'd go dancing. One way or another, she was having fun tonight. She started by ordering some chocolatey iced coffee drink, and headed into the reading area. They hadn't started yet - Erin was usually early anywhere she went. She looked around for an empty seat and plunked down, offering a smile to the nearest person.

[info]secret_sorrel in [info]light_of_may


Who: Chris and Erika
Where: Grocery Store
When: Mid-Afternoon

Fly on your way like an eagle/fly as high as the sun )

[info]hunterperegrine in [info]light_of_may

Dinner and a Vision

Who: Tayne and Chris
Where: Sunny's Diner
When: Early afternoon

After letting Annie get settled chatting with Kaye, Tayne was back to... counter duty. Whee. Only not so much. He missed the kitchen already, and kept hurrying back to see if they needed help, when he had a free minute. This time, they had, and he'd quickly put together a tuna melt and delivered it for pickup before getting back out to his actual station for the afternoon, scanning the counter to see if anyone new had shown up, or anyone he'd been serving so far needed anything.

Y'all got any lunch specials? )

[info]heir_reluctant in [info]light_of_may

Scene Lotto, part tres

Who: Brady and Oscar
Where: The Inn
When: Friday Morning

There are certain things one never takes into account until it smacks them in the face... )

[info]daywind in [info]light_of_may


Who: Day and Tilly
What: Waiting to be called for Graduation
When: Afternoon
Where: at the Graduation Ceremony

Tilly was happy. Oh, she was happy, so much so she couldn't quite stop grinning. It would be silly, if it wasn't a tiny bit appropriate. Her family was there, Hawk was there (she had seen him, and waved, but she hadn't gone to him and he would probably understand - she was busy!), and she was sitting next to her very best friend, who seemed rather happy himself. All good things.

With friends! )

[info]_happygolucky_ in [info]light_of_may

Some Time Alone

Who: Jessalyn and Madock
When: Post graduation
Where: Graduation, Madock's car, a pond

After the graduation ceremony commenced, Jessalyn waited with her family until she was able to see Ransom and give him a big hug and kiss. Afterward, she began to move through the crowded throng of people to find Madock. There were so many caps and gowns, that for most people it would be impossible to track on specific person, but Jessalyn had great sense of direction and smell, and she had already memorized Madock's scent. It didn't take her very long to find him and when she did, she threw her arms around him in another big hug. "Congrats! You're officially an adult now. Well, you already were because you're eighteen, but now you really are."

swimming and graduation presents )

[info]oceansdaughter in [info]light_of_may

Who: Melia and Squid
When: Evening
Where: Redleaf Lake

After such excitement her first two days in town, Melia was almost surprised (and a little disappointed) to have an ordinary day. But then, as she hadn't gone searching in town, she supposed she couldn't really complain. Obviously that was where all the interesting (and delicious) humans and other creatures were; she decided to have a bit of dinner and then head in.

The temptation to go snack on one of the dead humans weighted down at the bottom of the lake was strong, but they were delicacies and she wanted to make them last. No telling when she'd get another one from Kitty. So she took off for the far end of the lake instead, rocketing after a large school of trout. Catching a few was no hard task even without using her voice, and she slowly drifted back towards the center, deepest part of the lake, trout in each hand as she swam and snacked at the same time.

[info]stormywaters in [info]light_of_may

Making the best of it.

Who: Day, Christian and their father (NPC)
When: Five pm
Where: Their home

For once the whole Danui family was together around the kitchen table. Dinner spread out across it and their father in the usually empty seat at the end of the table. It was graduation day and he couldn't miss that now could he? Christian had wished he had missed it. This graduation was depressing. Day was leaving high school and with it, leaving him behind. At least that's how it felt to Chris. He didn't want Day to graduate. He was proud of him of course, but it was still hard to deal with the fact that he wouldn't be in school with him any longer. He'd at least managed to keep from letting any tears fall at the ceremony. The car ride home though was harder to handle because there was talk of college and all that. As soon as the group got home, he'd retreated to his room for a nice long cry. Dinner though, he couldn't avoid. Sitting down in his chair, he glanced up at Day and then at their father. It almost seemed odd to have him at the table, being so used to not having him around for dinner.

For his part, Day was happy, in a long-lasting good mood for the first time in what felt like days. A little oblivious to his brother's mood, since he had missed the car ride home in order to take Lacy home and he'd spent the last hour since he got back helping their dad put dinner together. When Daniel Danui actually cooked, he was actually pretty good at it, and this was more of a treat than any fancy restaurant could have been. Just having their dad home for a few hours was more of a treat than any fancy restaurant could have been.

I couldn't abandon you )

[info]ex_blindside211 in [info]light_of_may

Get The Party Started

Who: All teens
Where: Gabe Winter's house
When: From 9pm onwards!

Gabe had hosted parties in the past, but none were as successful as this one turned out to be.  The seniors were riding the high from graduating, while anyone in high school was just glad for their summer vacation to start.  Music played in the living room, while a keg stood in the middle of the kitchen.  Another keg was out on the back porch.  People were coming and going from all entrances and exists; Gabe had never seen so many people in his house.  At least it wasn't over packed!  Everyone seemed to be having a good time, and with a beer in his hand, Gabe began to make the rounds.