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June 17th, 2009

[info]annie_brown in [info]light_of_may

WHO: Annie, Hal, Fiona (open to Harri, Kaye, more if wanted)
WHAT: Dealing with the aftermath of the attack on Annie
WHERE: Ann Arbor hospital
WHEN: Around 11 p.m.

No one knows what it's like, to be the sad one.. )

[info]cursedthoughts in [info]light_of_may

I'll Take A Date Please, Hold the Dinner

Who: Alejandro and Jovie
Where: The phone!
When: Late morning

After a couple hours of restless sleep, full of bloody dreams that should have been nightmares but most definitely weren't, Alejandro gave up on sleep and paced around his darkened house. He couldn't leave for hours, not if he wanted to actually get somewhere before he collapsed from sunlight-poisoning or whatever the bloodsuckers called it. None of his weaponry needed cleaning or maintenance-- he'd done that last night-- and the television was boring him.

He had two phone numbers he could call. One of whom would be awake and at work now. The one he hadn't told he was going to be gone all weekend. Alejandro dug around until he found the business card she'd given him, then dug around some more until he found the phone, which surprised him by being hung up where it belonged.

So he dialed, and flopped back on the cluttered couch, and waited.

I haven't yet decided if you're an interesting man yet )

[info]daywind in [info]light_of_may

Back from the Dead

Who: Lacy and Day
When: Late morning
Where: The high school gym

Lacy had waited until about four in the morning before she left her home again. In the grey light of pre-dawn, a time she normally would have gone to bed by, she swiftly crossed the town until she again stood on the lawn of the high school. The sign in front said that graduation was to be held in the gym, so she headed that way. The doors were, of course, locked for the night so she climbed a fire escape up to one of the windows that backed the bleachers and jerked it open, unfortunately breaking the latch in the process. Breaking and entering wasn't something she'd ever expected to do, especially not here, but she shrugged it off as she slipped in the window, not really bothering to close it.

She was tired. Her line's compulsion to sleep was getting the best of her, and she figured it would be best to get in a nap if she wanted to actually be aware for any part of the ceremony. Searching the gym, she found a little space between the bleachers and the wall and pulled up the hood of her sweater, settled some big sunglasses on her face, and leaned back to doze for a few hours.

Memory Lane )

[info]hopeandtrust in [info]light_of_may

Double Feature Picture Show

Who: Felicity and Leo
Where: Leo's place
When: 6:45 pm

Felicity was nervous. But then, this was her first date with a new guy, so this was perfectly understandable and to be expected. It was hot even though it was overcast and had even rained a little, so she'd worn her chocolate sundress with a beige sweater over it, her blond hair loose. Leo had told her just to bring the movies she'd chosen, so that was all she was carrying when she rang his doorbell before seven.

She was chronically late or early, due to her overloaded schedule and hectic life. Today, she was trying to make sure she wasn't late, so she was early. Hopefully he didn't mind. She tried not to fidget as she waited for him to answer.

[info]iseethedead in [info]light_of_may

It's all in the genes.

Who: Erin and Evan
When: Around 5 pm
Where: The funeral home

Once he'd finished the work for the day, Evan was ready to head home real quick do a quick clean up and wash off the smell of death and embalming fluid. He didn't quite make it out the door however, because he saw his sister and had to stop and say hello. Coming up behind her, stealthfully of course, well, okay, maybe not so much so since he was so tall and lanky. She probably knew he was there before he even reached her. Either way, he put his hands over her eyes and grinned. "Guess who?"

Erin had just finished showering herself. Yes, living with the parents was lame, but dammit, it was convenient living and working in the same place. "Well it can't be the poor bastard I just sent to the crematory." she said, smirking. "And someone who reeks of embalming fluid seems to be in an awfully good mood, so that counts out the rest of the stiffs. Evan?"

He rolled his eyes at her and pulled his hands from her face. "Thanks a lot. Like I don't already know I gotta go home and shower fifty times before six." he sighed, shaking his head a little. "What's up?"

Pimp Daddy Evan has some mad skills )

[info]wild_life_girl in [info]light_of_may

WHO: Hope and Jacob
WHAT: Tracking, hunting, the usual..
WHERE: Near Bandomer park range, deep in the woods
WHEN: Friday, late afternoon near twilight

The trick is, which one is the beauty, and which the beast? )