June 2018



March 31st, 2018



I’m really sorry to do this, I don’t know how else to reach people — Jasper’s in St. Mungo’s. The Healers think he’s been poisoned.


I’d trade anything in the world for an answer to this message.



Can everyone please check in? Does anyone need anything? Let's coordinate. This has been a lot of f news within a short period of time, and I think we should all get on the same page.

Do you want to get dinner somewhere tonight? Let's do something, just the two of us.

In case you need it, here's a picture of Pea and Carrot getting ready for Easter.



So somehow (I'm guessing because Rabastan is still unconscious (or dead 🙂!)) or because I'm Yaxley's favourite this week(???) I'm still on the Aur DMLE ward and he definitely thinks that both John Dawlish and Joe Bell are in the Order (which, weird, because last week John was Team FIND THE HALFLINGS but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

Katie, be especially forewarned bc resident Death Eating Hitwizard Graham Montegue was all "let's set a trap for both Bells!" after Yaxley was all BRING ME THESE VIGILANTES which I may have volunteered for because I have a plan where we set this up and it obviously doesn't work and you guys get out and oh no I'm hurt from that and definitely not the fight at the Ministry and that's why I can't go to work.



I've been thinking and thinking about what to say about the recent disaster and I've come to the conclusion I can only give voice to the perennial favourite: Oh no. Not the Ministry. How awful.



Do you think we should make some sort of public statement about Ted? You know, before the Death Eaters get a chance to tarnish her memory.



Hello my dear friends and esteemed colleagues.

Please let it be known that while you are on your various murder and torture assignments, if you happen to encounter a furry friend that belongs to your target, please bring the animal to me instead. My sister Dionyza owns a franchise of cat cafes. Please support purist business.



Jasper Williamson is at St. Mungo's and I fully intend to make the best use of it! Any preferences from anyone? :) (Besides death because lol duh that will be my ultimate end goal.)

Friendly reminder that if you visit the hospital, please make sure to use cleaning spells and/or wash your hands thoroughly! You do NOT want to spread more infection and you certainly do not want infection to carry home with you! Also please keep your conversations in public areas limited to non-sensitive items! No one else besides your care team needs to know all of your issues, promise! :)