June 2018



December 16th, 2017



it's been over 100 days since my mum was STOLEN from me just because she's a Muggleborn.

She's the kindest, funniest, most thoughtful mum in the WORLD and she never ever did anything wrong. She's also super smart and can talk to ANYONE about ANYTHING. She ALWAYS sees the best in things even THOUGH everyone proves her wrong. She loves magic and is the BEST at it, ESPECIALLY charms. she likes to skip the last step whenever she's walking down the stairs and she cut my hair until i was 15. this is me and my mum LAST HANUKKAH! When i was little I had a lot of trouble READING but she always helped me and one time i got stuck in the tree outside and i thought i'd be stuck there FOREVER because there was a broken branch and i was SO afraid of stepping on it and it was about to RAIN and i didn't think anyone could hear me but my MUM did and she climbed up and got me down. on my bday she always takes me out to lunch just the two of us and it's ALWAYS the best day

BASICALLY she's the best person i know and NO ONE compares to her. SOMETIMES i'm I miss her ALL the time. it really sucks that i don't even know how she's DOING but it ESPECIALLY sucks because it's hanukkah and it's not the same without her

my mum MATTERS just like YOURS does (except if yours is an EVIL MURDERER) and just like ALL muggleborns do



The Dark Lord has been toying with the idea of expanding his inner circle ever since Evelyn to provide more instruction for the less experienced among us. I should think preference would be given to those who served their prison sentences alongside me, but he would like our recommendations.
I think it's time we extended some holiday greetings to our former classmates.
Tell me about Willy Locke.
I suspect the Dark Lord would like a Christmas dinner. With his closest followers. If I'm allowed to make the suggestion of inviting people to my sister's home.



This is for all the little brothers out there.