June 2018



December 1st, 2017



Happy Birthday, Barnaby. Remember the good times from this year.

Cut for Image )



Miss Parkinson, I request full pardon for not having been present at your magnificent gala. But in the spirit of giving - tis the Season! - I shall auction my painting "Wizard Contemplates the Obligation of Brilliance" and donate the proceeds to the Hospital in your honour.

At any rate, seasonal preparations are underway at the estate and for those enrolled in Painting Studio, do be prepared to be festive.

I say bravo to Mr. Hugo Nott for stepping in to block this spuriousity within the Wizengamot. Robards is as likely a politician as my Familiar and time is of the essence to derail his campaign from the outside in. This can, of course, be a secondary affect of the assignments you have been given.

How do they fare? Making good progress?

A separate plea for you, my son. Give a good accounting of what you are doing in the Bank to bring the Mudbloods and the Blood Traitors low.



St. Mungo's would like to remind all and sundry that it's flu season, and you really ought to come in for your flu vaccination potion.

Remember: even purebloods can get the flu! Better safe than sorry.



being an adult means buying a giant kinder egg and getting to eat it for dinner

being a female adult means getting to feel the intense joy of finally being able to take your bra off after a long day at work



Full moon coming up. Do be careful, dears.

[ Inner Circle ]
Let's have a drink. Do some strategic planning, like the good old days.

[ Victoria ]
I assume you're not busy this evening.



Happy Birthday to my favourite little brother. He's thoughtful and kind and a little dramatic, but his big heart is always in the right place. Many happy returns, Bazzy.



[ order ]
Sturgis and I were able to evacuate a little over 10 (I think the exact number was 13?) wandless tonight before we got stopped by Lucius. We scattered when he came and I fended him off while Sturgis took care of the wandless - Sturgis, I'm assuming you got home okay?

Whoever helps next - please note the password I gave them was Gideon. Because the Death Eaters now know I told them not to trust anyone without that password, so you'll need to use it to gain their trust.

Additionally, I got a bit of a nick on my back - nothing serious, but I can't quite reach it so if anyone is available to help patch me up that would be greatly appreciated as there wasn't anyone home when I got here. I'm quite all right though, and even though we didn't get everyone I still think for a first time out we ought to call this a success.



Members of the Order of the Phoenix are attempting to move the Wandless out of Diagon Alley. I was there earlier and interrupted them before they could abscond with them all. I don't know how many they've taken with them already, but the majority still remain.