June 2018



October 8th, 2017



The older I get, the less sure I am of where all the fun Halloween stuff is.

Also my yard decorations are going to be the best yard decorations. Don't fight me on this.

I have no idea how I'm going to decorate the yard. This is the first year I've had an entire B&B to dress up. Suggestions?



So, Halloween, what are people thinking of doing and are you dressing up?

Also update, the howler free streak is officially over. Damn it.




  • Tonks, plural
  • Dearborn, Owen
  • Johnson, Angelina
  • Fairbourne, Layla
  • Cadwallader, Rhys
  • Corner, Chelsea
  • Jordan, Lee



So, I don't know if you've heard the news, but we've officially gotten the boot from the ICW. This is thoroughly Not Surprising--anyone who has a pulse and has not been thoroughly indoctrinated at the DIMC pretty much saw this coming. Most countries are pissed at us, and even if its not always out of a true sense of equality and justice, people definitely hate that we're stirring the pot.

But cue the nationalistic bravado about not needing the rest of the world, hail Britannia, etc. I'm sorry, but that's a bunch of codswallop. This is humiliating, we are officially a pariah nation.

On the bright side, there's a part of me that hopes this will be some sort of wake up call, if not in the short term, then in the long term. Like it or not, the Ministry needs other governments to cooperate with them in order to be successful, and not even being in the ICW anymore gives other nations very little incentive to play nice with us. If we keep it up, next it's going to be economic sanctions. Folks might not find that quite as amusing.

This week is going to suck.

[...] This might be a Bad Idea, but if any of you know any--ah--alt media sources that might be interested in speaking with some foreign embassy friends, let me know, because that broadcast was daft. I'm not really willing to do anymore than give you o-mail addresses, but that should be enough. I know a few people who are relocating in light of this, so I'm sure they would be willing to speak candidly, considering. A lot of places are bringing their Muggleborn employees back home, too, so they'd be willing to talk, I think.