June 2018



August 25th, 2017




The Ministry is really doubling down on this Muggleborn registration thing, huh.



[ DMLE ]
As many of you have surmised the answer is 'yes', with the new declaration from the upper echelons we are are to be apprehending the new 'fugitives' should we come across them given we're law enforcement. The punishment for such an offense as being an unregistered Muggleborn has yet to be fully explained to me.

Understandably this may, and frankly should, give us pause especially given the source of some of the most vocal support of this new law. I cannot tell you individually and personally what to think about the new changes, but I do ask that you remember why you joined the DMLE in the first place.

Unfortunately for the MRC we're quite swamped with actual work; your assignments and priorities have not changed at this time.



What the hell, Umbridge?



1. How many Muggleborns have willingly Registered?

2. What happened to them? Why aren't we hearing their voices?

3. What happens when a Muggleborn registers?

4. Why is the Ministry silent?

Kudos abound for Tonks - the anonymous piece continued to position us as a bastion of support for local Muggleborns. We must and will continue to speak out for them. The timeline is a bit more desperate. We need:
  • Cloaked and warded safe locations for Muggleborns
  • Unregistered, untraceable portkeys to sanctuary locations
  • A continued effort to produce forged documents helping Muggleborns to leave the country

  • [info]johnsons


    another day another what the eff is going on???

    '14 - '17. NO SLYTHERINS.
    oliver, are you ok?
    this is kind of minor in the grand scheme i guess but idk if any of you listen to the pitch on the wireless? someone rang in the other day and asked what the quidditch players were going to do and say about all this. and two separate people've warded me and a few others about it. i'm not really sure what to say or do



    I've an idea.

    Do we know anyone at the Ministry who can get their hands on that registration paperwork?

    Did you like the card?

    [Friends] (George is social, jump in if you think it makes sense!)
    I know we're all distracted by the rubbish government but I've got something I need some help with AND it's way more fun than reflecting on the corrupt system of oppression we're apparently dealing with in this day of our lord 2017: Give me as many bad pun prank names as possible. I promise, cross my heart, it's for a good cause.



    If you feel stressed (which, let be real here, you probably do) I recommend the bullet journal tag on Wiztagram. There's something soothing about people with really nice handwriting.

    [Friends] (as always, can't remember who these are because I'm the worst, jump in if we discussed it previously!)
    So. Muggleborns will be fugitives now. Is it just me or is this like, a hundred shades of absurd? I mean, I know it's not just me, I'm just kind of... ???? all over it. IT MAKES NO SENSE. You know how I feel about things that doesn't make sense.

    [Lee & Grace]
    Soooo Dad has decided the Ministry has probably forgotten he exists anyway and that this fugitive bs doesn't apply to him.



    There's Dementors now! To add to your daily helping of feeling miserable. Take care everyone and if you see anything really dark and creepy out of the corner of your eye, pay attention. It could actually be something out to get you.



    To all of you who wished me a happy birthday, thank you. It was a quiet one, spent at home, cleaning the vanilla ice cream off my shoe. Dropped, of course, by an irresponsible child whose parents were agog at the latest vigilante shenanigans, evidenced by the wasteful pamphlets drifting around the street.

    Law Enforcement and Regulation of Magical Creatures, I'm lodging a formal complaint first thing tomorrow morning. Dementors attacking civilians is not to be borne. The MINISTER will hear of
    oh who am I kidding

    If we're not strong right now, we can't expect it from anyone.

    As I told George - message received. Thanks.