June 2018



August 20th, 2017



This mornings interview in the Prophet gives much for us to debate about. Whether the findings have any merit. For those, as the interview put it, "identify as muggle-born" what if it is found they do a wizarding ancestry they did not know about. Or is it all hogwash? What are your thoughts and feelings on the matter?

Also, while I am new to the land of "Hooter" what are people's the roguemomstaffers claims? Are they more airs of truth, or just a pissed off employee? Can any one explain how I could contact them for anonymous comment? Is this what the youth call sliding into their DMs?



One of the more fascinating details surrounding urban archaeology is the wealth of data academics have been able to glean from privvies. You see, especially when London was a soup of smog and half-dead overworked 8 year olds, public sanitation was less of a priority than it is today and you did your business in a very nasty box in the courtyard. As houses were added to the public sewage line, these privies would be filled in with any sort of thing that was close at hand.

Today, excavating stone privy wells are a booming trade and we've learned quite a lot about daily life in Victorian London. Folks in New York City, St. Louis and even Cincinnati are engaging in some of the same sort of 'academic rigor'. So, big ups to privies for making us see the reality beyond what the histories written by well-connected toffs would suggest.

(By the bye? If this were Victorian London, how about this. I wouldn't even use that article to wipe my arse after a good long shit. As someone who has been Registered, allow me to say to you Muggleborns ... don't you dare trust it.)

Cheers to the lot of you. I'm off lunch, now.



Mulciber Security & Surveillance is looking to hire two new Security Troll Trainers. Those interested, inquire here or send an owl to MS&S, 24 Aegis Way, Mould-On-The-Wold. Applicants must have NEWTs in Care of Magical Creatures, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Transfiguration and be of a calm disposition.

Mulciber Security & Surveillance
Protecting Our Future

[ Mulcibers ]
I'll see you all tonight at seven for dinner.



Pet owners! Our little Carrot hasn't been eating much the last couple of weeks. What does everyone recommend for puffskein food? Thank you!

[ Rhys ]
We'll be back soon, I just thought she'd like a bit of time out in the field to play. She's nosing in on some poor little critter's domain and loving it. Pea will be jealous.

I'm freaking out, Rhys. Registration?

[ Baz ]
I know it's pointless to say did you see the news, but did you see the news?



It was such an honour to speak with Narcissa Malfoy about the Commission. The Muggle-born Registration Commission is the first step the Ministry is taking in the safety of the magical people. I do hope everyone takes it seriously and registers as soon as possible. It has been a pleasure to work with people on this Commission and I am pleased Minister Thicknesse is taking this so seriously.



Perhaps Ms. Umbridge should have simply said that her commission is for the greater good. It seemed to work for Grindelwald and recycling seems to be all the rage at the moment.


    Well, dearest, I think this means you'll have to take that leave of absence and we're both going to require wine.



It's quite heartening to hear that the Ministry is responding to societal threats in this manner. It's only taken them rather a long time; I see bureaucracy remains an inefficient beast.



I'm glad we finally have a Minister who isn't completely inept. Fudge and Scrimgeour were jokes. Thicknesse is steering this country back in the right direction.

This should be entertaining.



An interesting article to start out a day means the world to me. Whether or not you agree with the theories surrounding Muggle-born individuals, it has always been something magical society is intrigued in knowing. The genetics of magic is still being researched -- not taking in account that they haven't even scratched the surface on metamorphmagi births.

Well, that's a discussion for another day. Tonight on the Witching Hour, I'll be focusing on the announced Muggle-born Registration Commission and taking calls about recent Ministry of Magic shake ups.

Dear Glenda always wants to hear from you. ❤




Well then. Shame we won't be able to fully enjoy the eclipse tomorrow. Though apparently we might see a bit of a partial around sunset? Oh well.
Guess we'll all just have to sit back and wait for 2090.

We are going to trivia this evening no ifs, ands, or buts. And if Esmeralda Hoodwink you're going to have to hold me back.



Messages to the Minister's office have slacked off a bit. You must be watching Game of Thrones. Know that each and every response will be addressed in the order it was received. Howlers not necessary.

But Game of Thrones? Never much understood the appeal of it, myself. Our histories of magic have been much more thorough and interesting. Dragons are likewise alive and well, as they very well should be.


What's it like out there?