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Posts Tagged: 'lorenzo'

May. 17th, 2014



Texts to Stefan, Enzo, and Kol

It's that time of year, kids. Wednesday night we are getting fitted for tuxes. Meet me at 5 at my place, and don't be late.

Aug. 24th, 2012


[PM to Lorenzo]

We're celebrating! Oh, we are so celebrating!

Aug. 14th, 2012


[PM to Lorenzo]

Oh my GOODNESS! It's you! You were just on my TV!



TV Commercials

[Although a lot of people wouldn't consider this work - not in the proper sense of the word - Lorenzo doesn't see anything wrong with posing in front of cameras and getting paid for it. It's more honest than many other professions.

One of the projects that's kept him 'busy' before he's gone on holiday, involved a couple of commercials for a fashion label to be aired on TV. Three days of shooting for two 30-second-long clips for which they've paid him an almost indecent amount of money.

He probably should be ashamed. But he really isn't.]

Lorenzo is in your TV )

Aug. 13th, 2012



She's been quiet of late as quiet as she gets at the very least. That hasn't stopped Selina from drawing some rather questionable conclusions about a very dear friend.

The arrangement is delivered to Lorenzo in the mid afternoon sometime after lunch and before four.

The card is written in a simply elegant hand.

I didn't think blondes were your type though that hardly matters. So long as you're happy I'm happy for you!

Congratulations on your nuptials. Lannister is quite a catch!





[Text to Lucas North]
Hi Lucas. It's Jaime. I'm back in Newport Beach now. When can we meet?

[Text to Lorenzo]
Will be picking up my painting from some English guy who probably does mafia stuff for my dad. Who says they can't be trusted?

[Text to Brienne]
>> Hope you enjoyed Istanbul. We should go traveling again sometime. You're the only woman I've been with who doesn't spend hours in the toilet getting ready.
>> And I meant that as a compliment.

Aug. 5th, 2012




[Text to Jaime Lannister]
Can you bring me a box of Turkish delight when you come back?

Aug. 3rd, 2012




[Backdated to early Thursday morning.]
[Call to the first law enforcement individual who picks up]
"Hi. Uh. My house was broken into last night. I lost a uh... eighty million dollar painting."

[Text to Brienne]
I'm really sorry Brienne but something came up. Forward me the address of your hotel in Istanbul and I'll see you there tomorrow.

[Text to Lorenzo]
Someone broke into my house and stole my Rubens.

[Thursday afternoon.]
[Text to Tywin Lannister]
Dad do you have any local contacts of people who specialise in [...] finding stuff?

Jul. 23rd, 2012



[ Text to Lorenzo ]

>> I'm doing alright, yes.
>> The house is a bit damaged, nothing serious.
>> My dog went missing, but she's home safe and sound.
>> Are you home, safe, and sound?
>> I owe you lunch and several explanations.



[Voice mail]

[He'd listened to Dani's message a couple of days after she left it - listened to it several times - and although he was pleasantly surprised to hear from her, the message itself wasn't really good news. It was odd how except for the blind date which went great, they kept having trouble following up. They had to keep rescheduling things - bad timing, even with something so simple as a phone call or text message. And somehow, no matter what they did, she was always the one apologising even though he'd assured her there was no reason to.

He meant to get in touch when he returned to the States. He did. But then news of some rock falling from the sky, shaking the grounds finally reached him, and he was on the phone, a slightly frustrated noise escaping him when his call went straight to voice mail.]

"Dani, it's Lorenzo. I've just heard about the earthquakes and I wanted to make sure you're alright. Let me know you're fine when you get this, please... [A soft sigh.] A short text or something. I hope you're okay. Bye."

Jul. 22nd, 2012




[Voicemail messages for the Lannisters & Brienne]
"It's Jaime. Still in Italy until next week. Just wanted to check in. Get in touch when you can."

[Text to Lorenzo]
You couldn't have chosen a better time to take me on our honeymoon.

Jul. 18th, 2012



[Postcard sent to Dani Moonstar]

They didn't have coffee before he left because she didn't feel well and Lorenzo hadn't heard from Dani since that phone call. He worried a little about her but didn't want to come across as some kind of mother hen - she said she'd call when she felt better. On one of their strolls through the city, he picked up a postcard but didn't write anything. Didn't know what to write (there wasn't enough space for what he would have liked to write) and Jaime already had enough other material to tease the Italian with until his dying day. So he just put Dani's address on it and posted it.

Jul. 11th, 2012



[Text & Gift]

[Having finished his business up earlier than expected, Lorenzo changed his ticket reservations, packed his things and arranged a dog sitter for Iago and Ondine - and a housekeeper to look after everything else. He meant to say goodbye to Jaime in person but the busy man wasn't at the office so the Italian leaves the parting gifts on Mr Lannister's desk.]

[Text to Jaime Lannister]
>>Amore, I'm off to Florence and I'll be staying there until the end of the month.
>>If you change your mind about a holiday, there's always room for one more.

Jun. 24th, 2012


Mass email; distribution list hidden

(Sent to: Oliver Queen, Satele Shan, Varric Tethras, Emma Frost, Galadriel, Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, Regina Mills, Robert Baratheon, Robert Packer, Lorenzo Conti, Artie Nielson, Loras Tyrell, Anthony Crowley, Merrill, Ned Stark, Jamie Lannister, and Selina Kyle. The 'To' field displays only the recipient's email address; it's one of those mass-emails that blind-copies the distribution list to protect the privacy of the recipients. Likewise, the salutation auto-fills in with the name of the recipient. 'To Whom it May Concern' is so impersonal, especially when you're asking for money.)

From: Wayne, Bruce
To: [Recipient Email Address]
Subject: Charity Carnival )

Jun. 23rd, 2012




[Text to Dani Moonstar]
Are you busy tonight?

Jun. 9th, 2012




[Texts to Lorenzo]
>> Good news brother. I've matchmade you with some chick on the internet. I've also just decided that you're buying her dinner on Monday night.
>> Unfortunately on a scale of bow chicka wow wow to Mitt Romney's wife, I haven't a clue what she looks like. But it's the personality that matters, right?
>> You can thank me later. Now go forth and conquer, Fabio. I believe in you! =)

May. 30th, 2012




[MMS to Lorenzo]
I can't believe you were sidling up to my father on Monday. Ma che cazzo Mario? Are you flirting with madness or do you not see the resemblance? )

May. 28th, 2012




[Text to Lorenzo]
Free after 6 on Memorial Day? Having a BBQ. I'll show you a better time than those priests ever will.

May. 19th, 2012




[Text to Jaime Lannister]
I know this is kind of short notice but I have to go out of town. Can you look after Iago and Ondine for a couple of days?

May. 9th, 2012




I'm going home now. Have fun explaining your terminal illness to your sociopathic father yourself. You and I? We're done professionally.

May. 7th, 2012




[Texts to Lorenzo]
[1/2]: So that staged intervention where you dress up as Mario and ride a green turtle-eating dinosaur to come save me. I'll need it on Tuesday evening.
[2/2]: I'll send you the time and address. You can't be late or King Koopa my father will turn the scene into the last ten minutes of a Tarantino film.

May. 6th, 2012




[Text to Lorenzo]
I know it's sudden but I'm afraid I'll have to take a raincheck on the Mermaid party. My father's in town.