The Communications


Posts Tagged: 'eponine+thenardier'

Jul. 20th, 2013



[Text and image to Éponine]

Cut for image and well NSFW most likely )

Jun. 29th, 2013



[Text to Éponine]

Basic Thénardier warning, really. ANYTHING can come up... )

Jun. 28th, 2013



Text: Les Amis, etc

>>Fuck, I forgot the fourth was happening again this year.
>>I am not looking forward to THAT bullshit
>>Fucking fireworks need to DIE
>>I mean just because we signed the declaration of independence, and not even ON the 4th
>>I mean christ, it was the 2nd. Not that I'd like that much either
>>I mean what's the point of it?
>>it's up to us to disrupt everybody's life and make it hell?
>>This is fucking ridiculous.
>>I'm not going to be around much until after.
>>I'll still go to the thing with some of you guys but fuck.
>>I hate this crap.



[Text to Rei]

>> Question.
>> Can Scoot and I borrow one of your rooms at the club?

Jun. 26th, 2013



Email: Azelma, Eponine

Emails )



[Text to Éponine]

>>I am stupid.

Jun. 23rd, 2013



[Text to Éponine]

>>Hey sis.
>>I might have found a job.

Jun. 21st, 2013



[Text to Éponine]

>>Hey babe.
>>We need to talk.

Jun. 17th, 2013



(Text: Les Amis, Chetta, Thenardiers, other friends but not ones liable to turn him in)

>>If I said I was doing something illegal again
>>Like more illegal than stealing Danton
>>I uh...
>>There's a secret sleeping on my couch.

Jun. 15th, 2013



Gifts for Éponine

Delivery to Éponine while he is stuck in the first photoshoot (Before she joins him) )



[Text to Éponine]

>>I'm still so sorry.
>>You sure you forgive me?

TW in comments for stuff of their family

Jun. 14th, 2013



[Text to Gavroche]

>> I swear to God, if you're still freaking out at Azelma...
>> You're not acting like yourself.

[TW in the comments for talk of their family situation, Gavroche being a dickbag]

Jun. 13th, 2013



[Text to his entire contact list]

>>You guys.
>>Guess who has two thumbs and may've been asked to be a model for a line of underwear!



[Text to Éponine and phone call to Celestia]

TW cut for basic Thénardier stuff )

Jun. 6th, 2013



[Texts to Éponine, Courf, and Cass]

>>Before you ask, I'm OKAY!
>>But Azelma just bailed me out.
>>Got caught tagging "Down with the 1 percent!" on the side of a bank
>>Don't ask why, no idea.
>>Just had an urge.
>>I have to do community service by going to a nursing home and spending time with them.
>>Since can't very well scrub it off.

Jun. 5th, 2013



[Texts to Éponine and Courf]

TW cut for death because of dreams )

Jun. 4th, 2013



[Text to Éponine](Backdated to the 2nd)

>>Can I have some money?!
>>I made a friend and we're going to the mall!

Jun. 3rd, 2013



[Text to Éponine]

>>I want some Chinese food.
>>No I NEED Chinese food.



Text: Les Amis, Chetta, Ponine, Cosette

>> So. If the Eagle has a powder flask I have been internet offered...and Marius has a musket...

>> And all of you are stressed because of finals...

>> Why have we not acted on this knowledge and our expertise yet?

Additional text to Cosette:
>>You know how I adore you the most out of anybody in this thing, right?
>>Do you think you could possibly do me a favor?

May. 31st, 2013



Late Night Texts:


>>Oh my God. Oh my GOD.
>>It's late I know and I"m sorry I"m sending this but like...
>>Your brother. The Gavroche one.
>>I don't have his number and like...
>>He's okay right? I mean like...breathing?


>>Skype. Now.
>>Deadline or not.
>>1830s or not.
>>Can't. Breathe.



Text: Les Amis, Eponine, Scoot, Chetta, Cosette,

>>So guys.
>>We all love Ponine and Scoot and it's awesome that they're engaged and shockingly way before Enj petitions the French government for the right to marry a country.
>>So to celebrate? We're having a party. A super awesome Sexy Pirate party.
>>With nothing sharp because that's dangerous
>>and no parrots so no one's eyes get poked out.
>>When is good?

May. 28th, 2013



[Text to Éponine]

>>Masselin and Corbett are here!
>>Social worker type person just set them with us and need you here to approve it all to have them here.
>>Till they get everything officially solved.
>>Gav and I are getting them cleaned up.
>>And giving them some snacks.
>>But they're HERE!

May. 27th, 2013



[Text to EVERYONE on Éponine's contact list]

[Except Scoot, obviously, because that'd be silly. Basically, if you're her friend, you got this.]

>> May have just gotten engaged.
>> Ohgod this is just
>> Excuse me whilst I flail at you all.

May. 26th, 2013



[Text to Éponine]


[Thar be NSFW in that there sea of comments,y'hear?]



[Text to Éponine]


May. 25th, 2013



[Text to Éponine]

>>So I heard your sister like birds?
>>What kind of parrot would she like?
>>Red or blue or green or what?

May. 24th, 2013



[Text to Éponine]

TW cut for issues with pregnancy due to underweight )

May. 23rd, 2013



[Text to Gavroche]

>> Goddammit.
>> Will you stop telling him things like that?

[Potential triggers in the comments because, well, Thénardiers. Talk of miscarriages]



[Text to Éponine]

>>Can we talk?



[Text meant for NPC Monsieur, sent to Éponine, Courf, and Enj instead.]

Cut for TW of parental abuse and manipulation )

May. 22nd, 2013



[PMs to Eponine & Azelma Thénardier]

I'd been intending to message Eponine for a few days now and since Azelma is here now, I thought I'd message you both. Eponine should know that Gavroche and I have been spending time together and I wanted to assure you both that I only have his best interests at heart. I really like Gav and would never do anything to hurt him. I'm aware of his last relationship as well as some other things about his past and only want the best for him. I just want him to be happy.



[Text to Éponine]

>>Sis, I don't feel well.
>>And not in the baby is making me feel ill.
>>In the why do I have a stuffy nose ill.

May. 21st, 2013



[Text to Éponine]

>>Sis, I invited someone over.
>>Is that okay?
>>Her name is Ace and she's coming over to see my old pictures.

May. 14th, 2013



[Same Texts to Gavroche, Eponine, Darcy, Faye, Huck and Vala]

>> Saturday I'm taking part in a cupcake baking contest with Gavroche.
>> Whether we win, lose or steal the prize, I'm going to have a little get together at my place after.



[Exact same texts sent to everyone who knows about his gender issues]

>>Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit.

May. 13th, 2013



Misfired Text: (Meant to be sent to Jehan and Jehan only. Instead sent to ALL of Courf's contacts)

>>Hey baby.
nsfw )

May. 10th, 2013



[Text to Éponine]

>>I am awesome and wanted to tell you I'm on my way home.
>>After totally kicking some guys ass at a bmx dirtbike race
>>He couldn't turn for anything!!
>> :D

May. 4th, 2013



[Text to Éponine]

>>I have to go out of town for a week.
>>Are you going to be okay on your own?

Apr. 28th, 2013



Text: Les Amis, Cosette, Ponine, Chetta, Etc

>>Guess which slacker law student who is NEVER gonna graduate, tore up pavements in 1822 (wiki says that event was in 1820. Advise?) , and is generally awesome, joined you people in dreamland?
>>Jolllly, in my dreams you were trying to get your beautiful Chetta to notice you, so we went pants shopping.
>>Did you still wanna go for leather pants? Cause I'll help with that.

Apr. 27th, 2013



[Text to Éponine]

>>I may have outed myself...
>>To Fenris.
>>A guy friend of mine.
>>Also don't believe anything Haruka tells you.

Apr. 22nd, 2013



[Text to Éponine]

>>Please don't do a party.
>>Or have many people by this Sat.



[Texts to Michiru and Gavroche]

>> Do you have any idea what I could give Scoot for his birthday?
>> I don't think he's together enough to do anything party-like, so...

>> Hey. You.
>> Want to help me make something for Scoot?

Apr. 21st, 2013


Text Messages

[Texts to Steven Lewis {Scootaloo}]
>> How're you?
>> Are you recovering alright?

[Texts to Kaioh Michiru]
>> Hi.
>> Um, I was wondering if you'd want to maybe go to the mall or something sometime.

[Texts to Eponine Thénardier]
>> You're probably surprised to hear from me.
>> But if you're going to be in Steven's life, I think we should get to know one another.
>> I don't want to be jealous of you. [Unsent]

Apr. 19th, 2013



[Gifts sent to Éponine's current Classroom]

Gift Cut because images )

Apr. 15th, 2013



[Text to Éponine]

>>I feel like it again.

[Basic Thénardier trigger warning for comments]

Apr. 9th, 2013



[Text to Éponine ]

>>That girl I was talking about...
>>She just texted me.
>>And it came up.
>>She likes me too..

Apr. 7th, 2013



[Text to Éponine]

>>I haven't stolen anything in 2 weeks.
>>Don't know what that says...
>>How is Scoot?

Apr. 5th, 2013



Email to Eponine

gift for scoot? )



[Text to Éponine]

>>I may have told Courf and now...

Apr. 4th, 2013



[Text to Gavroche]

>> Scoot made an interesting offer last night.
>> To the both of us.