MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'yona'

Aug. 15th, 2016



Day 389 | Angry/Sobbing Action

[It might not be too difficult to spot this guy...

Between the lingering expression of anger resting on his face -- as well as the way his jawline is completely tense -- it might be clear to some that he's new to this place. Of course, if those aren't telling signs, there's always the weird thing attached to his ankle (but mostly the fact that he's still wearing the hideous outfit he woke up in). Yoon is, without a doubt, frustrated and completely worried about the idiots people he'd last been with. On top of the fact that they're notorious for drawing attention to themselves, there's... the matter of him... actually caring a lot about their safety.

Damn it... are they even here?!

He can honestly be found all over the place. Due to the fact that he's trying to cover as much ground as quickly as possible... he's not going to be lingering in one place for very long, however. He will trek through every Sector if he's able to, refusing to let weariness stop him from ensuring that he actually is... all alone in this place.

While swallowing down a painful lump, he eventually does take a break. It's at this point, he can be found in a corner, doing everything to keep his face hidden. He doesn't like people seeing or even knowing when he's crying. All around him are strangers, too, so like hell he's going to let them witness this!!!

Damn it...!

[The words slip out through clenched teeth as one hand balls into a hard fist. It will be after the tears finally stop coming, that he furiously wipes at his face and begins the search yet again. In spite of the heaviness of his legs, in spite of the weight resting on his chest, seemingly making it difficult to breath... he can't -- he won't give up on his search...]

Aug. 8th, 2016



Day 387 | Video

[The transmission starts and the face of a red haired teenage girl comes into view. It's Yona but she looks somewhat changed as she lacks her trademark earrings and her hair is a lot longer than it was before. She looks pretty nervous, glancing at her surroundings while she starts to speak. It looks like she is hiding behind something - maybe a bench.]

Can someone hear me? [She had just been on her way home from school with Hak and Soo-Won, she's sure of that but now there she is and despite the message she listened to she has no idea where this actually is. It all sounded a bit too crazy to be the truth.] My cell phone is gone but I had this instead ...

Hak? Soo-Won? Can you hear me?

Jul. 24th, 2016



Day 385 | Action | Closed to Kija & Yuuki & OTA

[Action | Closed to Kija]

[Ever since the days they had spent at the other prison the atmosphere in the apartment Yona shared with the others had changed, if subtly at first but with every passing hour it became clearer to the princess of Kouka. Of course, she herself was acting differently around Hak, too, she knew as much but then Jae-Ha had left the apartment to move upstairs and ... it just didn't feel right to her.

There were moments since then when Kija seemingly felt unobserved and he looked like his heart was weighed down with a heaviness Yona didn't know the source of and it concerned her. They were comrades, friends and family, so she wanted him to confide in her. He knew that she was to be trusted, that he could always come to her, didn't he?

It was harder to find a good way to approach him than she thought but after having watched him look so changed for a day, she went to his room in the early morning hours and knocked on the door.]

Kija? Are you awake? I was wondering if you wanted to come have breakfast with me.

[Action | Closed to Yuuki]

[Later that day Yona is on her way to the shooting range. Practicing with a toy bow is better than not practicing at all after all, or at least so she thinks. Her way leads her to the Nine White Orchids flower shop where she knows Yuuki and Kaya work.]

Yuuki! [She calls to the other girl who's busy tending to some flowers and carrying others outside.] Can I help you with something?

[Action | OTA]

[In the early hours of the afternoon Yona can be encountered at the shooting range, letting toy arrow after toy arrow fly at the targets. She barely pauses for breaks and only stops much later when she's fired at least one hundred arrows.]

{OOC: I will gladly match writing style, so if you prefer prose to brackets don't hesitate. If you have another good idea for how Yona and your character could run into each other (on the way to or from the shooting range or even somewhere else, please throw it at me. :3}

Jul. 21st, 2016



Day 385

[He made a promise and he's not the type to go back on that sort of thing. The job he was given was ridiculous but it was worth it in order to have his pendent returned to him when he arrived here.

Because of that, Hak inherited the local sex shop.

He's spent most of his time in the shop doing repairs and turning it into something less of an eyesore to his senses. He wonders if they'd let him change the name as well. Plush Rump doesn't exactly fit him.

Currently, Hak is walking around the dome pinning up signs. They are all handmade and the bare minimum effort was put forth. To Hak though, it's enough. More than enough.]

[He uses far more tape then he needs to put each advertisement up, but when he steps away to admire the work he's obviously pleased with it. No one can ever say he didn't try.]

[ooc: Feel free to see him. Rip down the papers. Respond to the notes anonymously or however you wish.]

Jun. 27th, 2016



Day 382 - Pleasure Prison Mingle



Apr. 6th, 2016



day 370 - action - closed

(immediately following this)

Read more... )

Apr. 4th, 2016



370 - Fear Itself: The Revenge



Mar. 21st, 2016



Day 368 | Closed | Action

Yona is shaken awake by the morning announcement and immediately feels like she has to go to the other room and check on whether Hak is still there. She has always felt protective about him, ever since he nearly lost his life protecting her when they fell of a cliff after being cornered by the Fire Tribe. But right now it's more of a physical need to see Hak. So she leaves the room she shares with Kaya, Zeno and Kija, very careful to not wake any of them, and carefully opens the door to the room he sleeps in.

The announcement mentioned something being there for him to pick up. Curiosity rose within her as she heard that, but now she is kneeling in front of the couch he sleeps on, watching him calmly take one breath after the other. He is really there, warm and real in front of her, for her to reach out and touch. But she doesn't, since he has earned a few more minutes of sleep, of calm, of that peaceful expression on his face that she can't keep her eyes off. For some reason.
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Mar. 14th, 2016



367 ♫ video

[Technology in any form is beyond foreign in its entirety to Jae-Ha, so naturally, it's taken a fair amount of time to get a good enough idea on how to use the communicator. His very first thought when the announcement began was just that he must be hearing voices. Not for the first time.

He's also done some exploring here and there, still as curious. From the looks of it he's currently in a park.]

Greetings, Marina. I must say that this place is incredibly deceptive in all of how fascinating things are in every direction I look.

[It may or may not be easy to tell that he's forcing these pleasantries, his tone clipped.]

However, I've never in my whole life seen nor heard of anything more disgusting than this set-up we all have been forcibly dragged into. Its cruelty is only amplified a hundred-fold by how pretty it seems at first glance. The length of our chains are great, as we're allowed about all over this dome. Yet in the end, they truly are no different than ones which hardly allow us to take even a step.

[As someone who was shackled to the floor and walls of a small stone room for twelve years, he would know.]

While I can only pray they aren't in such a terrible place as well, if anyone can let me know if there is a Yona present, or Hak, Kija, Shin-Ah, Zeno, or Yoon, I would appreciate it.

[he pauses after that]

Until then, I wouldn't mind being given some kind of tour around this place. There's a great deal of things I couldn't have ever have imagined. Having a pretty girl or two by my side would especially ease my frustrations, even if a little bit.



Day 237::Open

[Hak's sitting on the ground squinting at the device that is doing the video recording. This is all way over his head and completely beyond his wildest imagination. All the technology surrounding him is a bit much for Hak to handle. Not to mention the neon orange jumpsuit is enough to burn anyone's retina's.]

All of this seems like it would cause a headache. Is it really necessary? Orange isn't exactly my color. It looks like it would be safer to look straight into the sun than stare at this fabric for more than 2 seconds.

[For all his complaining, Hak is here for one reason and one reason only. He has a job and this job is extremely important to him. There's a slight problem though because in order to do his job, he has to be by someone's side and right now she's not here. He can't just ask for her though because she's not supposed to draw attention to herself.

Not that he's even sure he's using this thing correctly.]

Is this thing even working?

[He doesn't have a clue and tries to focus on the visor part of the device with his eyes, but he ends up leaning over too far and falls over on his side.]

I don't like it. Take it off. I can find my friends the old fashioned way...

Feb. 24th, 2016




Closed to the Happy Hungry Bunch )
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Feb. 20th, 2016





[ . . .He wants to kick himself for discarding the magic device he had found by his ear upon arrival. While the words it had said were nonsense, it wasn't until later that he comes to understand that it may be his only way to find the princess.

. . . And now his companion whom he separated with earlier to go search for it. By now he's given up on finding the magic object. More important, he thinks, is reuniting. They can look for the ear piece later.

At some point he procured material to paint with, as well as a notebook. Apparently the metal beings- which originally he had been wary of could understand him. With the notebook, he's already quickly sketched something within. And with that he wanders around the current sector he's within, and approaches anyone who will spare him a moment.]

Excuse me. [He lifts a clawed hand up to catch their attention and approaches seriously.] I have a missing person to report. He's a boy who appears around the age of sixteen or seventeen, with blond hair, blue eyes, and might have invited himself over for a meal. [Lifting the notebook up there's an incredible sketch on the paper of the boy in question.]

His name is Zeno and he should be in orange...attire like myself. You may have seen him sleeping in a random location, and tends to roam around like a vagabond. If you find him, please return him to me.

[ . . . Maybe he should put up a few posters.]

Closed to The Happy Hungry Bunch )

[OOC: Kija does not have his communication device on. He speaks Koukan... which is Korean based-ish, so he likely wont be able to understand anyone, but they should still be able to understand him. P.S. Forgive Kija's terrible art skills.]

Feb. 17th, 2016



Day 363 | Video & Action

[The video feed comes to life, showing the face of a 16-year-old girl with unruly red hair. Her eyes are open and curious but also seem to burn with a certain kind of determination. Her hair sways slightly as she takes one step after the other taking in her surroundings, which appear to be rather close to the movie theatre in Sector 4. Walking the streets, she can’t help but touch some of the brick buildings with wonder in her eyes.]

These buildings are so different from what we have at home. I am sure Kija would much prefer to sleep in one of them. [She smiles fondly, then – as if remembering the video she started recording -starts to speak straight at the viewer.]

My name is Yona and I just woke up over there. [She points towards the movie theatre.] If this works like the message I saw, someone should hear me, so … if anyone has seen someone named Hak or Kija, Jaeha, Shin-Ah, Zeno or Yoon, please tell me.

[Her voice and demeanour change slightly, as she carries on. The determination stays intact but the strong feelings she harbours for her companions seem to fill her words and gaze. It’s nearly as if she wants to ease their minds a lot more than her own. She has something to work hard for and won’t stop until she achieved it; something about her leaves no doubt about that being true.]

If any of you hear this, please answer if you can. I am fine, so don’t worry about me. I will do my best to find all of you. Just wait for me.

[With a smile from Yona, the video message ends.]

Feb. 15th, 2016



Day 363 | Open

[Action + Video]

This again...

[With a frown Yuuki can't believe that once more she is sporting not only the dome's most fashionable anklet, complete with built in hunter technology, perfect for suppressing vampire abilities! But even worse she's somehow in the orange jumpsuit once more. Not only that, but she woke up upon the ground in the center of the butterfly pavilion. It's not that she hasn't napped in public before. But she'd definitely remember changing into orange comfortable clothes to do.

Not to mention...her head feels somehow- foggy. She's not really sure how else to put it. What had she been doing before now? Marina is as familiar as ever, but something feels off. Which can only mean one thing, right? At the very least she remembers how to use their communication device. All at once she flickers up onto the screen on the network. With a sandwich from The Bistro in hand (she was hungry and thought it might help clear her head) she gives a small wave.]

So... does someone want to tell me what my punishment is this time? I distinctly remember putting on a performance not all that long ago and that should have been the end of that. I mean- it wasn't that bad. Right? [Don't answer if you thought the concert was.]

Somehow I feel really disorientated.

[Although if she's back in an orange jumpsuit... had she left? But on all those other occasions she had supposedly disappeared she hadn't been forced back into prison gear. Just what's going on now?]

Zero...? And Yuuri-kun, too. Anyone really. What's going on? [The fact that she got a welcome message again... she hadn't disappeared again, had she? And if so... how long has she been away for?]



Day 363 | Open Video

[ It's easy enough to figure out the headset. He even listens to the message and information before he starts throwing a decidedly scruffy, Corellian-sized tantrum about it to whoever is on this thing that will pay attention. ]

Listen, this is General Solo. [ And isn't he glad he can finally pull rank, if there's anyone here he can pull rank on. ] If this is some kind of kriffing joke, it's not funny. But if it's not, then someone needs to tell me what's going on that contaminating carbonite is illegal, not to mention my fault.

[ Not that he'd think someone (one of the Rogues is his first guess) would pull a prank of this magnitude in the middle of a crisis that includes people getting entenched to power droids, but it would be nice if that were the case. Mostly because then he wouldn't really be in prison and could more effectively yell at someone about it. ]