MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'neil+dylandy'

Mar. 29th, 2017



Day 421 : Video

I wanted to let everyone know I stepped down from the Defense Force, and I don't think it is going to be continued by anyone at this time. [There's really no reason anyone would have to inform her if they were, but based on the discussions that came out of talking to the other members she didn't think so.] If that changes, or anything similar is created in it's place, I'm sure they'll let you know.

(OOC: If your character was on the Defense Force they already know.)

Mar. 16th, 2017



Day 419 - video - open

Hey... I have a question.

Is it normal for people to show up from the same universe but different points in time in that universe?

I think it might have just happened.

Feb. 14th, 2017



415 | Action, Video | OPEN

[ Action | Sector 2 Park ]

Sector )

[ Video ]

[The communicator is easy to figure out, once he stops gawking at the dome and all its wonders - still not entirely convinced it's not a coma dream as he lays dying on the train tracks - and takes the time to mess with it. If he's going to be here a while, he might as well get to know the population.

He opens up the feed with a wide smile.]

Hey! Prompto here. This is ... something, huh? Not what I would expect of an Imperial prison. Honestly, I was expecting something more bleak. You know, cells, guards, creepy experiments... this some kind of experiment?

[His voice wavers and his smile falters.]

Feb. 6th, 2017



Day 414 - Mistletoe Mingle



Jan. 16th, 2017



411 - Fast Forward Mingle



Dec. 22nd, 2016



[Video | Open]

[Lyle is seen sitting at his table, the communicator likely being held by one of his haros. In his hand was a piece of paper of some sort. He doesn't look at all happy]

I love how this place wants to keep making me relive this... over and over again.

[Now he turns the paper to the camera. It's a picture of himself with a lavender haired woman standing next to each. They are wearing similar uniforms, his in green compared to hers in more of a red. The picture seems very mundane, but clearly his reaction to it means there is more]

Yep. Yet again another reminder. Well... thank you... for that.

[Sarcasm is a wonderful thing.

He turns the picture back to himself and stares at it for a moment. Then he starts to reach for something that's in his shirt pocket. It's then he remembers the communicator is still rolling]

Frederick. Turn it off.

Dec. 21st, 2016



Day 407 | Audio private to Tieria and Lyle | but also open to action if anyone is passing by


Either of you have any ideas where to tuck away something that's potentially dangerous?

[ He's doing audio very deliberately. Since he's standing over a very dead gun that will probably not please either his brother or his teammate if they were to see it. ]

Oct. 15th, 2016



Day 397 | Video

[Lyle is seated in one of the classrooms at the academy when he posts the message]

For those that don't know, my name is Lyle Dylandy. So I'm sure that most people here are aware that Euphemia is no longer here. I know that she will be missed by many.

For those who don't know, one of the things she did was to create Marina Academy. This is an educational experience designed to offer a wide range of academic options for those here.

At least for the time being, I have asked to take over running the academy. I'd be happy to answer questions that students and teachers may have.

Marina Academy is also looking for new teachers and students. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me as well.

Private to Teachers and Staff
So I think we should have a meeting. Let me know if Day 399 is too early.

[ooc: There have been some changes made to [info]marinaacademy page. Current classes should be up to date. New sections have been added with a schedule, a faculty page, and a student page where students can share classes they are taking (completely optional and mainly for CR purposes). Enjoy!]

Sep. 12th, 2016



Day 393 - voice + action;

[ It's a few hours after daypost when a, to some, familiar voice comes over the network. Voice only, this time, very deliberately so. There's been a need for adjustment. ]

Heeeey, so... look who got picked up for a sequel! Yeah yeah, I know... I shouldn't be surprised, what with all this charm and charisma. There's still about a million things I'd rather do than be here, including pulling out every single pube on my balls with a tweezer - no offence, of course. It's not you, it's me. Where was I...

Right! Big guns. Things that go boom. Will settle for something long and sharp, if you know what I'm saying. Any progress on that? It's been like... a while since I asked.

[ Locked to Spider-Man. ]

[ Usually he'd go to Weasel for this sort of thing but of course he's nowhere to be seen so- ]

Hey, Spidey. You around? I have a problem.

[Action ]

[ This is pretty much the worst case scenario and despite the reconciliation with Vanessa, Wade is feeling way too exposed here. He knows what he looks like and maybe she can get drunk enough to love an incestuous pizza face but he has a feeling he won't get as lucky with a dome full of strangers. He needs his suit, but until then he needs a temporary concealment. Back to his roots, to hoodies and balaclavas, one problem at the time.

He stealths through the dome to the best of his abilities, which isn't a lot all things considered. You can't sneak in a bright orange jumpsuit, but he gives it a damn good try, aiming for the nearest clothing store where he can cover the hell up. ]

Aug. 28th, 2016



[ action ]

[Tieria hated glitch visitors. It always left him feeling bittersweet whether someone showed up or not, so he spent most of the day on his own, trying to avoid people. Later that night, he finally went out to do his daily errands, but ended up sitting over by the sports field on the bleachers, watching the fake stars projection on the dome.]

Aug. 23rd, 2016



Day 390 | Video | Open

[ The video feed opens to a very confused young man, still not sure if he's handling this device properly. His eyes are wandering; he's clearly trying to see if there's some way to tell if this is on, and realizing that if what he's been told is true, he is now being watched by an unknown amount of people. The thought makes him shudder and grimace momentarily before he makes a shoddy attempt at a smile. ]

Right. Hello. My name's Alistair and I'm apparently one of your new fellow inmates. Funny thing being told you're under the care of wardens when you're called one back home.

[ Alistair hesitates for a moment, thinking back to Ferelden and Denerim. The last thing he remembers is preparing to go into the Landsmeet, the fate of the country and the rest of his life at stake. ]

I- uh, seem to have found myself at your shooting range. The bows are familiar but these things- [ Alistair holds up a toy gun that looks more like a gun out of a 20th Century pulp sci-fi novel cover, made out of shining gold plastic. ] If we had things like these back home, fighting off a Blight might just be a bit easier, though I still haven't figured out how to fire it ye-

[ Of course, at that moment his finger lands on the trigger and he ends up firing a marshmallow right into his mouth. A little coughing fit ensues; he drops the gun and brings a fist up to his mouth to try and stifle his coughs. At the same time, he ends up chewing on the marshmallow and getting another first-time experience. ]

E-Edible projectiles? Sweet ones? [ He's a little teary-eyed from the coughing fit as he stares into the screen. ] I don't know what'd be worse, if this were the Fade or not...

Aug. 15th, 2016



Day 389 | Video + Action

[ Video ]

[ By the time Kirk decides to experiment some with the little device, he has managed to ditch the orange prison uniform and get himself into a normal shirt and pants. The jump suit had been humiliating as it was, he wasn't about to go looking for answers still wearing it. Not to mention orange was definitely not his color. ]

Okay, so does anyone want to actually explain this situation to me? Because so far I've gotten the idea that some rogue AI have kidnapped me and I assume everyone else here. Needless to say, I'm taking what they're saying with a grain of salt.

[ Least because many of the more dire charges were, to him, quite justifiable considering most of them were done while saving lives. Some of those lesser ones he really couldn't argue (like cheating, whoops), but some on. This was ridiculous, not to mention where was his due process? ]

And beyond that - please tell me that we can actually get booze in this prison. I have a feeling I'm going to need a drink to absorb all this.

[ In other words, he is freaking out inside but refuses to show it because his James Tiberius Kirk, damn it, and he is extremely salty over this turn of events. Can't he ever just get a normal shore leave? ]

[ Action ]

[ His "invitation" sent, Kirk continued to wander around the prison - mostly Sector 0 and parts of Sector 1 for the moment as it seems, to him, to be a central sort of place for the prison. It's as natural a place to start as any, and regardless of how irritated he was at the situation, his stomach did not care. He found himself taking up some of the street food. Honestly he should have worried more about things they might have put in there, but if he didn't start doing some sort of activity he really would lose it. Eating was good as anything here, helping him to bide his time and keep his patience.

Don't judge him for picking the most homely food he could find - a corndog and fries. ]

May. 23rd, 2016



Day 377 Heatwave Mingle



Apr. 20th, 2016




A little thing like rain isn't going to stop Kara — or rather, Supergirl, clad in a makeshift costume — from soaring up into the sky and doing a few laps around the island to both in attempt to better understand this place and stretch her freshly (re)superpowered legs. And while she's getting something of a feel for her limitations, exploring the dome more thoroughly than she was able to yesterday is providing her with far more questions than it is answers.

She can be found throughout the day flying around various sectors — from stopping by the Athletic Complex to pick up a few barbells (effortlessly, and perhaps all at once), to roasting some of the Shooting Range's marshmallows with her heat vision, to stopping by the Sizzle & Sear to grab something to eat, and even taking the time to walk through the museum's pig exhibit.

"I will never look at bacon the same way again."

Feb. 8th, 2016



362 - Mistletoe Bot Mingle!

[Pucker up, inmates! It's that day again—your favorite prison holiday! And, of course, the wardens provided lip balm stations for your convenience.

(OOC: Mistletoe Bot INFO)

Jan. 17th, 2016



day 358 action | open

[She isn't taking it well. The more she wanders, the more frustrated she becomes. Now she's roaming Sector 2, no particular destination in mind. There are a lot of neat things to look at, but none of it interests her at the moment. She's far too caught up in her own indignation at being here. When she thinks nobody's watching, she throws her communicator without thought as to where it might land or whom it might hit.]

Stupid thing.

Jan. 4th, 2016



357 ;video

[ Hey ladieees and some of the dudes, let's not forget about them. How would you like the tallest, most shirtless moose in the world gracing your screens this lovely morning, all fresh from the shower, water still glistening on his pecs. He fixes the camera with a cocky smirk. ]

Sam, this makes us even.

[ So maybe this is revenge porn a little bit. ]

Totally unrelated, but — how do you feel about someone else being in the driver's seat of your body? Or being in charge of someone else's, I guess. Is it okay to do a little, uh. Manscaping?



Day 357 — Body/Mind Swap Mingle

[Everything may be a bit topsy turvy today. Maybe you lost your head. Maybe you lost everything else. Or maybe you're perfectly you and it's just your friends and neighbors who don't make any sense.

Good luck going out and about to figure out your new surroundings.]


Nov. 30th, 2015



352 - Relocation Mingle

[You might be surprised just how many things you open in a day's time. Just imagine the browser windows alone! Today, you'll open up many unexpected things, but the one thing you're likely to find more than any other is trouble!]


Oct. 6th, 2015



344 - Video - Open

[ Neil's looking pretty normal, except for the part where his ears are now like that of a cat, and he has a tail that's mostly not in the vid pickup. And his voice may be a little higher than usual. But he's fine, basically. So... ]

Yo. I know some of these changes may have left you without a chance to fiddle with the settings of your device, but replying should be easier. So I'm going to ask - any of you stuck somewhere they can't get out of, or needing something they can't get to? I think there may be enough of us still mostly with our full capacities so we can help.

For those who don't know me, I'm Neil Dylandy. If you're able to help, too, speak up, and so on.