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Apr. 6th, 2014


i'll carve your winding path to hell.

Who: Lazarus and Athena.
Where: Some shady bar in Ann Arbor.
When: Evening.
Warnings: Violence.

She had caught his eye a few weeks ago, this one, physically gorgeous and mentally sharp, enough of a challenge that he didn’t just want her, he needed her. Not in the conventional sense, of course. Not in the way any mortal man wanted or needed a woman. No. Lazarus wanted to break her down, take her apart, he needed it, more than the air in his lungs or the blood in his veins. She had captivated him in a bar just like this one without him expecting it and he had been working his way into her life ever since. Ingratiating himself. She was responding well, with just enough resistance to keep him interested, but with fascination all of her own. Lazarus had played up his native accent, the one that had been fascinating and winning women over for centuries and he had noticed the way her muscles tightened and she caught her bottom lip between her teeth whenever he opened his mouth and spoke to her, let that accent add an edge to his words that so many people in America labelled as exotic.

It wasn’t by chance that he made his way to one of his prey’s favourite bars that evening. Every few days he would catch up with her and they would flirt over drinks that he -- of course -- paid for and tonight, he suspected, he would get what it was he had been waiting for. The beginning of the end. Her life would change after tonight and not for the better, not if Lazarus had anything to do with it.

He was waiting for her at the bar when he heard the door open and he turned his eyes in the direction of the entrance to see her walk in. She saw him too and smiled, wasting no time in crossing the room to join him. Once she had settled herself in her seat and he had ordered her a drink Lazarus got to work, subtly working his powers on her, picking at the exposed threads, working his way past what little was left of her defences. She laughed in all the right places, tucking her hair behind her ears in a fashion that was supposed to be meek but was actually flirtatious and he recognised that immediately. At this point in his life, with so much experience under his belt, he knew just what to say and when, just as he knew the right moments to reach out and brush his fingertips against her arm or her hand. By the time she said she was headed to the ladies’ room to freshen up Lazarus knew he had her, that all his hard work and patience had paid off, and he smiled and told her he would wait for her, of course, and then they could go somewhere more private. More comfortable.

She smiled eagerly, filled with nervous excitement, and excused herself from her seat, walking past him and towards the facilities tucked further into the building down a narrow hallway out of sight. That didn’t stop Lazarus from twisting in his seat to watch her leave, though, smirking to himself, already feeling triumphant.

Jan. 14th, 2014


Lock up your whiskey cabinets, girls, lock up your guns.

Who: Athena and Isis
Where: Their home
When: Late morning

Call the boys downtown at Neiman Marcus, tell 'em lock up them high heeled shoes. )

Jul. 13th, 2013


there's always something going on and there's always something happening.

Who: Carter and Athena.
Where: Across the street from the school, to start with.
When: Early evening.

Considering he’d gone toe to toe with a vampire -- presumably one of significant age and with a decent amount of strength and experience -- Carter didn’t look too terrible. A little haggard, certainly, but not nearly as bad as one might expect for an individual who had engaged in physical combat with a powerful immortal who’d had every intention of ending his life. On the outside Carter didn’t look all that different to how he normally did and to perfect strangers there would be no sign of anything being out of the ordinary. It was to those that knew him that the differences would be telling: the slightly untidy hair, the darker shadow of stubble around the lower half of his face, the slight shadow under his eyes that betrayed a lack of sleep over the last couple of days. It had been difficult to sleep with the wound being where it was and as tough and experienced as Carter was he was still just a mortal man, just as susceptible to pain as any human. Painkillers dulled the senses and compromised reaction times, things he couldn’t afford to risk, and in the short time he had spent here in Scarlet Oak he had already heard and seen enough to know that he also couldn’t afford to take a night off.

So there he stood, dressed ready to hunt when the light failed completely, weapons concealed beneath clothing, out of sight and out of mind of the people around him, when by all rights he should have been back in his room at the Lodge getting some rest. Carter had rested enough, he found it difficult to stay still at the best of times, let alone when something significant was going on, and the incident at the local high school certainly fit the bill.

There wasn’t much he could tell from where he stood but he listened, took in little pieces of conversations all around him, working out enough of the story from those snatches of dialogue to know that there were a lot of people trapped inside and no one could make any kind of contact, let alone get close enough to any of the building’s points of entry to figure out what was going on. Magic of some sort, it had to be, but this wasn’t Carter’s area, it never had been and likely never would be. His family had steered clear of this sort of thing, sticking to vampires and demons and the threats and dangers they posed. This was another world entirely.

All the same, Carter had felt compelled to come and investigate, if only to see with his own eyes just what was going on. If nothing else it served to convince him that he had made the right decision in coming to this town. He’d heard and read so many stories about this place, and what he saw before him now was proof that Scarlet Oak needed as much help -- not to mention protection -- as it could get.

Jun. 17th, 2013


This is morning

Who: Athena and Isis
Where: Scarlet Oak Public Library
When: Midmorning

It's when I spend the most time thinking about I've given up. )

Feb. 12th, 2013


Time is the reason why we fight to stay alive

Who: Athena and Halne
Where: a club in Ann Arbor// streets of Ann Arbor
When: late evening, around 11:30pm
Warnings: TBD, but violence is likely

It's a strive )

Aug. 28th, 2012


I want to recognize your beauty is not just a mask

Who: Athena and Halne
When: later evening, closer to 9pm
Where: Streets of Scarlet Oak // phonelines to start with

I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart )

Jul. 16th, 2012


If you want to be with me, baby there's a price to pay

Who: Athena and Halne
Where: The library
When: Late afternoon

I'm a genie in a bottle; you gotta rub me the right way. )

Jun. 4th, 2012



For potential Halne and Athena; will delete if this gets moved to a different game day

Feb. 6th, 2012


Do what you, what you want

Who: Athena and Halne
Where: Heme
When: Evening, close to dusk

‘til you find what you’re looking for )

Aug. 5th, 2011


Who: Telyn and Open
Where: The grocery store
When: Mid morning
What: She hasn't been home in a month. Girl needs food in her house

Yesterday took a great weight off her shoulders. Adam didn't hate her and maybe, with time, they could get back to where they were before. It made her happy. After a trip to Starbucks, she and Lucky headed to the store to pick up some things, her coffee in hand. She had a list and that was all she was getting. Or so she thought.

They were stuck in the cookie aisle. There were ingredients for mac and cheese in her cart as well as some boxes and other things. The elemental was hoping that she could make that for Adam some time soon, remembering the time they had shared the meal before and she wanted to do that again. And though she wanted to make cookies, she knew that having snacky things around the house was a good thing. Sometimes she just needed a nosh.

"What do you think, buddy? Chips? Pretzels? Popcorn?" The dalmatian tilted his head, considering the bags she was holding up. 'Pretzels are healthier but those are the best chips.' Both bags got tossed into the cart and she moved towards the cookies, the dog at her side. It wasn't hard for her to get lost in her thoughts, thinking about the night before and how she slept better than she had in weeks. All because she was home. Finally.

Jun. 15th, 2011


I think you should know you're his favorite worst nightmare

Who: Athena and Lazarus
Where: Dreamworld
When: Night time
Warning: Probably going to be violent, knowing these two. Either way, bad things will happen

He knew what he wanted to say, but he didn't know how to word it. )

May. 18th, 2011


Who: Capri and open to anyone that wants to share a table with her!
Where: The food court of a shopping mall.
When: The middle of the afternoon

Capri did not usually spend a great deal of time walking through shopping malls. She believed that one could only get the best items in small, specialized shops. However, she also believed in checking out practically every store in the area to create the ultimate wish list for her upcoming birthday. A girl only turned eighteen once. She passed a jewelry store and stepped inside, taking the time to look at each piece of bling that the store had to offer. Only a glittering sliver bracelet made it as an addition to her list. Taking out her notepad, she jotted down the name of the store and a description of the bracelet before tucking the notepad back into her purse.

As Capri left the jewelry store, she thought of ways that she could make her list more effective. She could divide her list into two categories. She'd suggest the smaller items to her friends and the more expensive gifts were the ones she'd ask her parents for. Of course, she didn't expect to get everything she wanted, but it couldn't hurt to try. Her next thought was of people that might want to surprise her and how she could drop subtle hints around them that even though carefully planned out, appeared spontaneous and natural when worked into a conversation. Birthdays were a great deal of work and she was certain that it would be worth it.

Her meticulous thoughts were interrupted by the realization that she was hungry. Skipping breakfast and lunch to save time had seemed like a good idea that morning, but now she would have to take a snack break. Walking into the food court, she glanced around, looking around for something that wouldn't be drenched in grease or covered in salt or both. She settled on a small salad and a bottled water, then sat down at the first empty table that she could find. She placed her purse on the spare chair at the table and set her tray down in front of her, starting to eat. The food court filled up and Capri politely moved her purse to her lap in case someone wanted to take the chair to a different table or needed a place to sit.

Apr. 1st, 2011


Makes me that much stronger, makes me work a little bit harder

Who: Athena Hawkes and Nikita Vostrikova
Where: Nikita's place
When: Afternoonish

Thanks for making me a fighter. )