June 2018



April 8th, 2018



my cousins don't want to send my little cousin back to hogwarts and i need help helping them. they have money and gwen says she has contacts. can you help me please? they're supposed to be on the train today so do i need to like bring her and her family to a safehouse?



I can't believe you're a fucking Death Eater. How long have you been laughing behind my back about joining the group that killed my family? Do you know who killed them? Did you join with Dante? Did you enjoy killing Byron? Was it you that tried to kill Jasper when he was in hospital? Though I'm sure you got one of your minions to perform the actual deed. You're disgusting.


I don't know where we're at at keeping track of likely Death Eaters, but you can upgrade Clement Max from purist scumbag to likely Death Eater.

I also have confirmation that Hugo Nott has always been lying about being under the Imperius, I'm sure everyone is shocked. His wife lied at his trial the first time around, I have excerpts from her diary to back this up. He was also hit by a curse at the Department of Mysteries that is killing him, presuming my source can be trusted.

I'm sure it will come out soon enough, but Byron Kettleburn was murdered last night. It looked like they used the Cruciatus on him before they killed him. A cursory examination of his desk made me think he was one of the writers behind the Beacon.

You know, Death Eaters, I don’t think you’re feeling very comfortable despite all of that control you have.



Unless you're a Death Eater (or in bed with them), don't go to St. Mungo's. They'll probably kill you.



Hello darling. Are you okay?



Here's some Sunday night herbology for you. As you know, there are many dangers lurking in your back yard. Venemous spiders and snakes, bites from injured or sick animals or even the slip of a garden shovel or kitchen knife. There's a plant that I always keep on hand that's good field medicine until you can go to the hos see a Healer. Good news, it's probably in your back yard. If it's not, I bet you'll be able to get some from your favourite potions dealer. It's called:

yarrow )

Crushed leaves and flowers placed on a wound can help stop bleeding. The leaves are also antiseptic and encourage clotting. I've been experimenting with yarrow and plantain as wound care to slow or even impede the after effects of dark magic. This is:

plantain )

Plantain is also good medicine for bee stings.

As promised: C.M. wasn't at the hospital last night. Of course, this is compounded because as admin, he's rarely there past 17:00. But if you see him try to use it as an alibi, I've taken a photo of his time sheet.

Hello favourite vigilantes. Remember when I said that I'm not a fighter and leave me out of it I just want to live my life? That's all true.

I guess I just wanted to check in and make sure you're all okay. I'm friends with Lumos Boot and ...

anyway. I just wanted to check in.

Should I leave St. M's?