The Communications


October 9th, 2019




Jacques Schnee Found Guilty; More indictments to follow.

The court was shocked on Monday morning when the defendant fired his attorney and took the stand, addressing the court and confessing to every crime he was on trial for - and a half dozen more that had already come to light following various investigations and a new report from Orange County Picture News.

The trial was suspended for two days as the judge and prosecution searched for any signs of coercion. A swift investigation of Mr. Schnee's cell and visitation records came up clean, and a psychologist cleared Mr. Schnee of any potential issues yesterday afternoon. The confession was officially entered into the court records this morning, and the Jury returned a guilty verdict within an hour of deliberations.

Sentencing is scheduled for Friday; The prosecution is asking for multiple consecutive sentences that could total well over fifty years. Additional investigations into Mr. Schnee's other dealings will lead to further indictments later this year, and it is unlikely that he will be eligible for any amount of early release or parole.



Text to Damon

>> Okay, buddy.
>> If even a week as a vampire is gonna be this rough on the emotions
>> I think it's safe to say that you're gonna live forever.
>> Or close to it.
>> That's a neat trick, if it's true.
>> And I'm not getting any younger
>> Me and Thomas are just friends.
>> My place is all fixed up and I'm moving out soon.
>> If you really do have a case of the emotions I hope you do you.




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