The Communications


August 26th, 2019



Text to Harley

>> I think I am actually going to have a panic attack
>> It literally feels as if I am going to die in the next minute




Just a quick hit this afternoon, my darlings!

The trial of disgraced diamond mogul Jacques Schnee kicked into high gear this week, as he entered a not guilty plea for a variety of offences, including kidnapping and murder.

We're expecting some salacious tales to be spun by witnesses, including his very own daughter, as well as Ms. Schnee's ex-paramour, Elsa Arendelle, both of whom claim to have been kidnapped and abused by the former CEO though we all know how that goes, don't we?

Legal insiders have told me that the team provided by Mr. Schnee's longtime friend Admiral Daelin Proudmoore are confident that he will be acquitted on all charges. They will, it is believed, focus their efforts on proving the witnesses unreliability and moral turpitude.




Bucky Barnes, you have (5) new messages )



Text to Eddie

(1) I don't know where I am..or where my pants are ... or what the fuck I'm doing...

(2) and fuck me, I don't know where my wallet is.

(2) Can you pick me up? And not ask questions? Or judge the disaster that is my life?




Texts to Sara Lance )