The Communications


January 5th, 2019




Ruby Rose has one (1) new voice mail )



Team QRBYIJ* + Pyrrha and Ozma added in after Jaune talks to them!

[* Qrow, Ruby, Blake, Yang, Ilia and Jaune for now!]

So if you can see this post, it means that you've expressed concern about what's been going on with Weiss. Uncle Qrow has managed to find out where she is. He's also found out that Weiss' dad has Elsa as well and it looks bad.

Weiss is currently being kept in Boston while Elsa is being kept in Aspen.

Which means that if we want to save them, we need to launch two rescue missions at the same time in order to keep from anyone finding out. Uncle Qrow is going to do more digging in order to figure out security systems and where exactly they're being kept and bring in someone he knows with this type of experience as well.

So what we need right now is a plan.

[Edit to update plan and teams]

Los Angeles/Distraction - Ilia and Blake
Aspen/Elsa - Pyrrha, Ozma, Dan
Boston/Weiss - Ruby, Yang, Qrow
Orange County/Ground Support & Back Up - Jaune, Ren, Nora



Message to Percy B

>> Marguerite was injured



Text Messages;

To Pyrrha )

To Ozma )

To Nora and Ren )