The Communications


March 23rd, 2016



[Group message including...]

(Agron, Nasir, Max Trevelyan, Magnus Bane, & Danny Mahealani)
Forgive my lateness with this message but I am inviting you all to a late 'house warming' dinner party. It will be this Friday, March 25.

Dinner & drinks will start at 6:00pm. After that, I was thinking that we could all play games over chatting and drinks. I've heard that Cards Against Humanity is quite fun; so, I purchased it and have it ready to go.

No gifts are necessary, Agron and I would just like your company.

Also, this invitation allows you a "+1," if you so desire to bring a friend/lover/stranger with. I promise not to judge...too much.

Please reply if you can or cannot make it, and if you will be bringing a guest. Tata, darlings.
~Dorian Pavus



Text to Vanessa Cleveland

> Want to come to a party with me on Friday?

> A housewarming party, to clarify. Not a party-party. If that makes a difference.



filtered to oncers + friends of killian

I'll keep this short and sweet, but the details are this: Killian's cursed. It's a carryover from the dreams - it's made him not himself, and he's in possession of very dark, very powerful magic. Our contact with him has been limited and he's been evasive thus far despite our efforts, but if he approaches anyone for whatever reason, be careful. Don't trust him and contact me immediately.

Don't test him, don't provoke him, don't engage. Unless you're particularly curious in seeing what your heart looks like outside your body.



[Text Messages]

[Texts to Rapunzel]
>> So, remember how I said that I have a friend with a gallery?
>> And he showcases local artists.
>> Well, next month there's gonna be a show.
>> Today he called me and said one of the artists had to drop out this time.
>> Asked if I knew anyone who might want to show their work.
>> Interested?

[Texts to Max Trevelyan]
>> Hey, how's it going?
>> I said I'd keep you updated on the next time I was in a show.
>> Next month is the next one.
>> It's April 23rd.
>> Just wanted to let you know.




[Text Messages to Veronica Mars] )




[Text Message to Chuck Bass] )



[Mass Text to Friends]

[This includes Cullen, Lara, Maia, Hawke, Leliana and Isabela]

>> Alright, so I've decided that I'm definitely getting the Warden symbol as a tattoo.
>> I'm just still not sure if it'll be on my shoulder or side.
>> I'm taking votes.