The Communications


February 7th, 2016


Text to Baby Firefly

>>Baby Baby Baby
>>Thinkin bout you
>>What are you wearing?
>>Let me guess
>>Nothing but a smile?



Texts to Lina

>>Guess what
>>Apparently, I'm a fucking Jedi



[Email to Riza Hawkeye @ Flower Alchemy]

[Sent Saturday Morning]

Hello, Miss. Hawkeye

I hope this email finds you well. I would have come in in person, but I've been a little busy of late. I understand that it is short notice, but I was hoping that I might be able to place an order for more belladonna. I would like to put together a few flower arrangements for my lady friend for Valentine's Day. And yes, it is the same woman I sent them to previously, so she knows how to handle them. If that's not possible, I fully understand; as I said, I realize it's short notice. I do hope to hear back from you soon.

Dorian Gray



texts to pete wisdom

>> [selfie of hawke + bela + treasure + spider corpses in the background]
>> I shagged on a pile of treasure
>> What'd you do today, mate?



Text to Kenya Rosewater

>>It's happening
>>I'm changing
>>I was having dreams
>>Memories of Defiance
>>Today my eyes are different
>>What do I do?



Texts to Allison Argent

It's our time to fly... )