The Communications


October 21st, 2014




So that was a long gap between dreams and I suppose that explains the rush of them I had. Merlin is actually real and is an alien who moved to Earth to populate it. Who knew.

I did miss out on going to Atlantis though, that would have been amazing. Just imagine all the things I could have learned there - it's the home of Merlin too. I suppose I did learn stuff about them but being where he grew up and was born, lived before Earth? That would have been a dream come true.




[Text Messages to Quinn] )



[Texts to Laura Kinney]

>> So, I'm out here, sitting on a rooftop outside this sketchy nightclub and I had an idea.
>> We have a pretty big house, right?
>> We should have a Halloween party this weekend.
>> What do you think?



[Text to Justin]

>> So my new boss?
>> It's Teddy
>> From my dreams
>> He's an actor here and I've been assigned as his PA
>> This is so weird