The Communications


August 1st, 2014



[Private Messages]

[Private Messages to Peeta Mellark, Caroline Forbes and Allison Argent]
We're going to be having a bake-off with Baxter's Bakery soon. It's gonna be fun and will draw in a lot of business, I think. So we're gonna have to have a pow-wow soon to decide what we're gonna bake.

[Private Message to Chuck Charles]
How would you like to help out in a bake-off?




Authorities are reporting a gas explosion early this morning. A pawn shop and the residence above it are completely destroyed and neighboring buildings have received some damage.



Message to Lina Inverse

So uhm... you're pretty chummy with Booker. I don't suppose you've heard from him or seen him today?

I only ask because the pawn shop they mentioned on the news used to be ours, and when I went by there it's pretty much in cinders. He lived above it.

And of course, he isn't answering any calls.




>> I may have a problem.



Text Message to Elsa

>> Hey.
>> Pizza tonight? I need to talk to you about something.



[Text Message to Faye Valentine]

>> ...I might have a date. Maybe.
>> I think it's a date, anyway.
>> I don't know what to do.
>> I don't know what to wear.
>> I haven't had a date in...
>> years.



[Text Message to Elizabeth Weir]

>> I'm taking you out for Italian tomorrow night.
>> Won't be too much longer tonight.
>> I have the whole weekend off.




text messages; Edward Cullen
ยป You need to come home.



text to Anna

>>How are things?