The Communications


June 4th, 2014




Elsa appears on the television to do her usual weather programme and apologises for the freak weather storm which hit Orange County. It seems like she blames herself though she doesn't admit outright that it was her who did it. She reports everything as back to normal and hopes that everybody enjoys the nicer weather.




Text to Katniss )

Text to Audrey )



txt to Nick Fury from a burn phone

>> I have some information
>> On the big freeze
>> And there's also some girl who's not me getting violent with muggers and punks, all vigilante style
>> But I'm going to handle that one.



[Text Messages]

[Texts to Aramis]
>> I was wondering, do you have plans on June 25th?
>> My friend is getting married and I was wondering if you'd like to be my plus one.

[Texts to Damon Salvatore]
>> I think maybe we need to talk.
>> For Elena.