The Communications


May 25th, 2014



Text to Kitty, Message to Steve Rogers

To Kitty )

To Steve )



Private Message to John Clegg [backdated to earlier this month]


I thought you deserved to know, and perhaps Lydia has told you already, but I confessed my feelings to her. I thought she deserved to know the truth about how I feel for her.

Please know that I made it clear that I have no intentions of pursuing her. If she's happy with you, then I'm happy for her and I honestly wish the two of you only the best.

I hope all is well with both of you. Maybe we should meet some time, properly, and have lunch. If that would interest you at all.

Peter Hale




ring ring

"Hey Rachel? I just got told to go the fuck to sleep by Nick Fury, so can you come pick me up?"