The Communications


May 15th, 2014





I don't know how to say this. But I've been considering this for awhile now, even before you came back. Cambridge made me an offer that I really couldn't refuse, and Pam and I are going to move out there.

But I've some gifts for you, from these dreams we have.

Gold amulet
Golden Mirror
Robes of Possession
Wildstone Clasp
Winter's Breath Staff
Black Grimiore
Flemeth's True Grimiore

I'll miss you,



I've taken a position at Cambridge, it'll probably be safer raising the baby out there. But I wanted to leave you with a few things the dreams gave me.

Duncan's Shield
Alistair's Mother's Amulet



[Texts to Chuck Charles]

>> I don't know if this is going to sound strange or not, but here goes.
>> Have you had any dreams?
>> Like dreams of another life?



Message to Tinuviel

Miss Tinuviel! This is Tauriel, I don't know if you remember, we met at a store once?

In any case, I was thinking that we really should all meet up sometime, we elves. Legolas seems to think there's you and one other one, do you happen to know who else here he might have been talking about?



Message to Boromir

I very much enjoyed our date and I'd like to see you again.

There is also something that I'd like to discuss with you, perhaps in a more private setting.
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[Text Message to Jarvis] )