The Communications


March 19th, 2014




PM to Eva Belova, in Russian )


Kitty )

Logan )




There have been reports of an explosion or mine collapse at the Sequoia and Kings Canyon national parks. Further reports as the situation develops.

Aaaaand the Darkspawn start retreating!

Text to Gabriel

>> I need you to convince me that ripping someone's throat out is bad
>> Because I'm pretty sure that's a fight I'm physically unable to win
>> But I'm pissed as fuck
>> And need to come up with some kind of revenge
>> that maybe isn't violence



[Text Messages]

[Texts to Stephanie Brown]
>> Hey, you alright?
>> I saw you out there yesterday, but I was also fighting the hordes of Darkspawn, so I couldn't get over to you.
>> You looked like you were doing a pretty good job though.

[Texts to Logan Howlett]
>> You guys all alright?
>> Did you go out there yesterday?