The Communications


March 10th, 2014




[To Scud]
>> How did I do as an archery instructor?

[To Magnus]
>> I know it's late
>> I just...miss you...



Phone Calls

[Calls made to Merrill and Samwise individually, in the middle of the night...]

[From an unknown number...]

Ring, Ring



text to Samwise

(sent yesterday, before Frodo's phone calls)

>> I'm going to stay at my parents' house for a few days. If Frodo contacts you first will you let him know?
>> I'll have my phone.




Text to Michael )



Message to Thor

Hello Mr. Odinson )




>> Hey.
>> Like I know you're chomping at the bit
>> And I got an idea.


[Text to John Smith/Doctor]
>> Hey Doctor.
>> So, Rose knows now, eh?
>> How is that going?
>> So, I left you alone about the TARDIS for Valentine's Day.
>> But....
>> Martha's birthday is coming up on the 20th and I would love to take her on some sort of trip.
>> You can come along since I know you won't let me fly it.
>> Would you be up for this or not?



[Text Message to Will Graham]

>> Mareeba has a hobby!



PM to Bucky

This is stupid, why am I doing this?

Знаете ли вы, что красная комната?



txt to rachel

>> Hello my little bird