The Communications


January 19th, 2014


text; Damon Salvatore

»Don't alert the fucking press yet, but according to my dreams, I have found "the one".



Breaking News!

Local news reported a pair of bright shooting stars early Sunday morning. The first star blazed from south to north with some eyewitnesses claiming that it was moving up. It was accompanied by a sonic boom that broke some windows. The second star appeared a few moments later, moving from west to east. The shock wave damaged some buildings and eyewitnesses saw the meteorite descend into the foothills.



Texts to Remy, Scott, Obi-Wan, Croft Manor

To Remy )
To Scott )
To Obi-Wan )
To Croft Manor )



txt to Zuzu

>> Your favorite sister just touched down, and she's just dying to know how you've been.
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Text to Tinkerbell

>> So.
>> I might have. uh.
>> We should stay out of the apartment for a while.
>> How about I pick you up from work and we do dinner out?



txt to Tink

>> Hey
>> I'm back in town!
>> How have you been?



txt to Sam

>> Italian tonight? Or do you think Dani has something planned?

text; Arthur Pendragon

»How's my other favorite Brit?
»I mean "favourite".


[text; Lexi Branson]
»I messed up.

[text; Damon Salvatore]
»Just, make sure. You haven't seen my pill case, have you? The one with the cat on it.



[Text Messages]

[Texts to Mickey Smith]
>> I have a bit of a problem.
>> Have you ever met someone from yours dreams who you were involved with, but you were attracted to someone else in real life?
>> I didn't know who else to ask.

[Texts to Amy Pond]
>> I had another dream you were in.
>> Perhaps we should meet.