The Communications


October 29th, 2013




Identical Text to Zelda, Lorna, and Link
>> Pete and I are going to move up to Oregon.
>> We're going to raise our kids somewhere safer.
>> I love you so much.
>> you'd better visit.

Text to Athelstan
>> So, I'm going to be moving.
>> But I want to keep Grandpa Deku's house.
>> I'll need someone to take care of it.
>> I'd like you to live there rent free in exchange for that.



Message to Kitty Pryde


Message under the cut )



text; Wally

Temporarily out of work until my voice comes back.
Maybe I'll start my Nanowrimo project early.
I'm going to try and write a movie.
How are you?



[ Messages ]

PM to Merrill )
Text to Thackery )



Text to Thomas

Thomas Raith )



[Text to Logan]

>> May as well tell you now while your screaming won't bother your fiancee
>> 1) give velma lots of footrubs
>> 2) pete and I are moving to oregon
>> 3) I'm giving Eli's boyfriend my house to take care of
>> 4) eli should move in with her boyfriend
>> 5) so you're nearby but she can feel kind of like a normal girl
>> 6) you're gonna be an awesome babydaddy



[Note for Alyssa Hamilton]

Left on Alyssa's bed earlier today

I know I'll see you when you get home and all since I can't exactly work while I can't talk, but considering that I can't talk right now, this is the only way I can communicate with you aside from weird hand gestures that you'll just giggle at. So, I thought that instead of texting you I'd actually write you a note. I pretty much just wanted to tell you that I love you since I haven't been able to say it and also that I finally finished going over the information for the GED test. Once I can talk again, I'm going to set a date to take it. No more putting it off.

So, now that you've read this I'll probably be in my room or the living room.
