The Communications


August 19th, 2013



[ Text to Motoko ]

>> I'll do it.
>> I'll meet your scientist.
>> Set it up.


Text Message to John Mitchell )



txt to Mayuri

>> She's willing to meet you. What was this about an office?



texts to jeremy gilbert, stiles stilinski, and damon salvatore

>> I'm not at Katherine's anymore.
>> I'm staying at Mrs. Flowers' b&b.
>> Can you come over? Katherine and I got in an argument and I need to talk to you.

>> I'm sorry I left so suddenly Saturday night.
>> I'm not coming back to Katherine's.
>> Mrs. Flowers is letting me stay at her b&b, so I'll be there until I figure out what I want to do.
>> I'm probably not going to come back to the house.
>> it's just... too much.

>> Hey, just thought I should let you know that I'm not at Katherine's anymore.
>> I'm staying at a b&b run by a lady on the net.
>> I don't really want to talk about why just yet, but I wouldn't say no to a distraction.
>> We do need to have our comfort night, and I could use some comforting.



Text to Elena Gilbert

>>> what are you doing tonight?
>>> I was thinking you could stop by.
>>> Have some dinner.



Text Message to Ric Saltzman

>>> I'm picking up dinner.
>>> I don't feel much like cooking tonight.
>>> And I can't have another bite of casserole.
>>> Is there anything you feel like having?

E-mail to Nienor (dated 8/18)


Turin wanted me to tell you that tonight, he got arrested under the influence of alcohol, and is in a holding cell as we speak. I am going to bail him out, but he was insistent that I tell you what happened. I don't quite understand why, but now I have done. I will bring him to my house, so if you need to contact him, I would suggest calling his cell phone tomorrow after he has sobered up!





text message to michael glass.

>> free saturday?
>> well, you aren't now.
>> your presence is being requested.