The Communications


June 20th, 2013



[Text to Rainbow Dash]


[Text to Yaten]

Very NSFW after cut )



Text to Garrus

>> Your cat is a bosh'tet.



texts and telepathic messages

Howdy! )

Message to Cora )

Identical texts to Alex and Lorna Summers )

Text to Alex Rogan )

Texts to Thor )

Texts to Neena )



[Text to Rythian]

>> ...You okay?



Call from Alex to Portia

Ringy Dingy )



Call from Alex Summers to Scott Summers

Calling Scott Summers )



[Texts to Bran Stark]

>> Are Cobalt or Summer talking?
>> Alyssa's garden is talking.
>> I never thought I'd say this about a flower, but they're pretty conceited.



phone call to Nate Summers

Neena stroked Dante's head as he grumbled at her feet. Explaining about the vacation hadn't made him less grumpy about it. She was having a really weird day. So she was calling Nate to get some backup.