The Communications


June 3rd, 2013



[Text to Arthur]

>> So I have something I need to tell you
>> When are you free?
>> I'll bring coffee and cake :)



Text: Les Amis, Chetta, Ponine, Cosette

>> So. If the Eagle has a powder flask I have been internet offered...and Marius has a musket...

>> And all of you are stressed because of finals...

>> Why have we not acted on this knowledge and our expertise yet?

Additional text to Cosette:
>>You know how I adore you the most out of anybody in this thing, right?
>>Do you think you could possibly do me a favor?



Message to Oliver Queen


That all went to hell fast, huh? I guess I'm sorry about possessing you and fucking shit up. I kinda hit bottom. Whatever. This is for you.

Heh. Even when I go all dark comedy, I'm a total asshole.

I'm still at the bottom. I don't think I want to climb back up. Why bother. She's gone anyway. At least you got somewhere to climb up from and I won't be dragging you down.

ps - guns are cool but your arrows were bad ass.



text to Cora

Psssst )



E-mail to Motoko Kusanagi


Bit of a delay while I thought things over, but I've given your offer some consideration, contacted MI-13 for approval, and talked it out with Mrs. Wisdom. If you need help out in the field, I'll accompany you. On the provision that I make it home in one piece or the wife's going to have a few stern words and a pummeling for some bad guys. Then she might come after you.

Also I'm relaying an offer, that if you need someone to go teeny tiny through keyholes or the likes, my wife volunteered and can accommodate.

Nothing pervy, you. All the sexy times with Mrs. Wisdom belong to me and her, and that's our bun that's baking in her oven.



Text to Gwen Stacy

>> Coffee, donuts, and chatting?
>> Y/n?



text to Tessa

Yay! )
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[Phone call to Amy Pond]

Probably this was going to be awkward. Percy always felt a little nervous going into situations he knew wouldn't be pleasant. But there it was. He dialed the number that James had given him for one Amy Pond, and sat up straighter in his chair, waiting.

At least it was a ring instead of one of those terrible callback tones. He really did hate those.

Phone call to Gwen Stacy

Anakin stared at his phone a moment, then pulled it up. Biting his lip he chewed on it a moment before looking to the card that had Gwen's number on it. Unfortunately when she'd come to pick up her car, he hadn't been in the shop. So it'd been a few days since seeing her.

Sighing he just dialed her number and grinned as he pulled it up to his ear.

Ring, ring



[Text to Éponine]

>>I want some Chinese food.
>>No I NEED Chinese food.




Delivery for Troy Smith (Eleventh Doctor) ((Caution, large picture under cut! ^_^)) )



text to AJ, from the other room.

>> Hey dear.
>> Want to go to a beach party?



Texting Tessa

>> Say, what was it I was getting from the store?
>> And want to go to a beach party this Friday?
>> Seems like something fun, maybe?
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Text to Loki )

Tessa Texts )

Identical Texts to Alice and Verity )



seperate text, sent a little later, to Lorna Dane

>> Eloped, still having ceremony in fall.
>> talk more later.



Avengers Text, also Sansa

>> To avoid turning into Pepper
>> How she hasn't lost her mind by now I don't know
>> I dragged Thor to Vegas
>> We'll have a formal thing in the fall.