The Communications


May 31st, 2013



Text: Les Amis, Eponine, Scoot, Chetta, Cosette,

>>So guys.
>>We all love Ponine and Scoot and it's awesome that they're engaged and shockingly way before Enj petitions the French government for the right to marry a country.
>>So to celebrate? We're having a party. A super awesome Sexy Pirate party.
>>With nothing sharp because that's dangerous
>>and no parrots so no one's eyes get poked out.
>>When is good?



Late Night Texts:


>>Oh my God. Oh my GOD.
>>It's late I know and I"m sorry I"m sending this but like...
>>Your brother. The Gavroche one.
>>I don't have his number and like...
>>He's okay right? I mean like...breathing?


>>Skype. Now.
>>Deadline or not.
>>1830s or not.
>>Can't. Breathe.



[Text to Cass]

>>Guess who broke his wrist in four places and has a cast!

Email to Penelope Garcia

My dear lady. Is it true that your boyfriend is on the outs with his Russian supermodel?

[Link to an article detailing Yelena Spiridonova being seen with another man on her shoot in Vladivostok]

Text to Jehan

>> Jean Prouvaire
>> Are you all right?
>> I had a nap this afternoon.
>> I was there with all of you.
>> I heard
>> I heard your last words. (not sent)



Text to Sebastian Vael

>> you okay, boo?



text; Billy Batson

• Okay, don't freak out, but...
Picture )




Text to Justin Taylor
>> How's surfing re-practice going?

Text to Tulio
>> Uggghhh stop looking for a job for a day.
>> I want a date night. :c

Text to Faith

>> I have a bad feeling about this party.



Random Text to Random Numbers because FRIENDS!

>> Hi! Whatcha doing?



[Texts to Various]

[warnings for language]

[To Arya Stark] )

[To Bran Stark] )

[To Sansa Stark] )

[To Margaery Tyrell] )

[To Robb McLellan] )



[Identical Texts to Jubilation Lee and Laura Kinney]

>> My friend Violet is in trouble.
>> I'm going to pick her up.
>> I hope it's okay if she stays with us for a few days.

[Texts to Steven Lewis {Scootaloo}]

>> I have a question.
>> Do you think I'm boring?

Text to Ginny Weasley

>> Hey, Gin!
>> What's goin' on?
>> You're not still mad about that prank during camping, are you?




[Identical Text Messages to Jace Lightwood, Mako, Magnus Bane] )
[Text Messages to Fleur Delacour] )




[Text Message to Link] )
Tags: ,




[Text Message to Johnny Five] )

[Text Message to Tiffany] )