The Communications


May 7th, 2013


phone call to Gin

It was all still muddled, and Ty Lee didn't know what to do. She wasn't a leader, she followed orders )



[Phone call to Jean]

Ring ring



Phone call to Draco Malfoy

Zuko didn't trust his fingers to work completely properly without shaking. )



[Call to Carmen's Radio Show]

Because apparently Shane doesn't understand the concept of subtlety, she really can't resist the urge to call a certain someone's show when the opportunity arises. Of course, anyone else listening can hear this too. Beware Shane trying to be PG13!



highly secure message to Kitty Pryde



Hate to be a bother, all mighty computer goddess? But, if you're up to it, then I know someone from Interpol who might need some nosing around. And it seems to be the sort of thing you'd like to delve into as it is, since it involves something related to a three-headed dog. Woof x 3.

I'll let you know the details, unless you'd rather tell me to sod off and die because you can't be bothered. Which is fully understandable and I've been told that, often enough.




Text to Aang

>> Whatcha doing tonight?

Text to Samantha Carter

>> Good afternoon.
>> How do you feel about beer?

E-mail to Abby Maitland

RE: Introduction

Hello, I'm sorry to bother you at your work e-mail address, but I asked Julian for a way to speak with you and this is what he suggest. I thought that I ought to say hello and introduce who I am. My name is Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova, but Julian and my friends call me Anya since patronymics are difficult. I'm also sorry if my English is hard; I come from Russia and people tell me it's good but not perfect.

I'm sorry that I have been lax in talking with you before now! I am studying medicine and working at UC Irvine hospital, and I met your brother in the emergency room. I fix his concussion when he got hit at work and then he asked me on a date evening. I said yes but made certain that he was in his right mind before I said the yes!

But we have been seeing each other for five month's time now, or at least this is the date he's told me. I thought I should say things about myself, and also mention that I don't really need a green card marriage or a thing like that! :) Julian has teased me about this, but if I can do all of my medical school here, I could stay here anyway.

I just thought to say hello and also if there might be anything you want to ask me, that you could do it here. If not, I wish the best with your work.

Anastasia Romanova