The Communications


March 11th, 2013




Text to Les Amis, minus Enjolras, Sif and Chetta

>>I am sending you a picture of Enjolras's fire escape as of this moment of the text.
>>So that you can see that I am indeed a gentleman
>>And intend to defend my honor, which has been smirched this night.
>>So here is the image, taken now.

The 'message' itself has been left soley for Enjolras, clearly tossed on the fire scape )
>>I shall have satisfaction!



[Text to Éponine]

>>Was wondering if you want to go to an adult store with me.
>>I know waiting till you can actually touch him will be difficult.



[Text to Michiru]

>> ...I think I've just ended up with a brother.
>> I wonder if there are ways to make that official...

((Massively NSFW in the comments!))



[Delivery for Zuko]

[Delivery for Zuko, followed by texts] )



Email: Les Amis, Chetta, Sif, Cosette

As you may or may not be aware, as of last night, I have been issued a challenge to a duel. As a gentleman of honor, I am obliged to accept this, or to be named a coward amongst you, my friends, the general public, and everyone else involved. However, as the challenged party, there are some things which are my right, according to the Code Duello of 1777.
more )



[txt to Cadence]

>> You busy this afternoon?



texts to john smith

>> I've got an idea.
>> Grab all of your pillows and blankets.
>> Meet me downstairs in 20 minutes.


Thor Odinson )

Atton )



Text to Mary

>> I'm having tea with someone
>> Tom Branson



private message to Pete Wisdom

Hey, I'm back. I don't think I have your phone number. Wanna get drunk? I need to drink with someone I don't want to have sex with. No offense, it's because you're married, not because you're not my type. Actually, it might be more offensive to say that you're my type, but whatever.

The point is, drinking tonight.



[Phone call to Gaz]

Ring ring!



[Texts to Beth Cassidy]

>> So, if you can drag yourself away from Alma and the baby for awhile wanna go shopping?
>> That's something I never thought I'd ask, but I'm going to a party next week and need something to wear.
>> FYI, I don't wear dresses or skirts.