The Communications


December 5th, 2012


Text to Rarity

Picture for Rarity )
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[txt messages]


>> Take the kids out to the Ranch. Please.
>> I want you guys in a safe place. I just got attacked by a scout sentinel


>> I'm bringing you a present. A disabled scout sentinel.

[Jubilee, Jean, Rahne, Clarice and Wisdom]

>> I got attacked by a scout sentinel
>> Watch your backs.

>> Obi can explain
>> But reaaaally sorry about the kitchen.



[txt to Ollie]

>> If I get smushed by giant mutant-killing robots
>> you can have my stuff



[Text Messages]

(Backdated to about 11am this morning

[Identical text messages to Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley and Fleur Delacour]
>> Someone started text messaging me, saying I spent time with him/her in the other world
>> I'm going to meet up with said person for lunch
>> Little nervous. I'll be at [Address], and I have my wand
>> Jim's coming, so... I'm pretty sure I'll be safe.



Secure filtered message to Khamul


I heard through the grapevine that you're into accounts payable and debt collection. I'm an accountant. I'm real good at closing accounts. I might also be looking for some work on the side as a collection agent. You got anything like that?


Multiple texts

Text to Tonks
>> Better be ready for your date!
>> Friday night, 7pm. [address]
>> Wear something red, so you're identifiable.

Text to Sam Winchester
>> Your friend signed you up for a date.
>> She's hot, don't worry.
>> Friday night, 7pm. [address]
>> Bring her a rose so she can find you. She'll be wearing red.

Text to Thor
>> Your date!
>> Friday night, 7pm. [address]
>> Bring her a rose so she can find you. She'll be wearing red.

Text to Link
>> Your date!
>> Friday night, 7pm. [address]
>> Bring her a rose so she can find you. She'll be wearing red.



Secure message to Navi

Dearest Petal,

I believe you're at work while you're reading this. Remember that time I said to stay away from the windows and don't go skipping about for what might be considered safety reasons? Reasons that I couldn't precisely say what it was, outright, but that yes, it was bigger than a breadbox? I can't really say it again, but I should semi-quasi-inform you that I might be the equivalent of a rather angry toaster.

I don't think it would post any danger to you. If the equivalent of an angry toaster should come at you, do let me know, and I will go there and take care of it.

What are we having for dinner tonight? If you'd like, I can order in so you don't have to cook.

Kiss kiss. Much love,




[Text to Loras]

>> How do you feel about take-away tonight?



[Text to Faiza]

>> I think I just had a stroke of genius



[Txt to Tink]

>> So there are robots that want to kill some of
>> Do you want to go to a club?



Text to Pepper Potts

>> I don't think our dating structure is going to resemble a typical relationship.
>> I accidental spent the night at his house yesterday.
>> I don't quite know what to make of it, honestly.
>> I've never done that before.



[Text Message to Thor]

(sent around lunchtime today.)

>> What are you up to?



[Text to John Jones]

>> You signed me up for a blind date??
>> Seriously??


Loras >> Any idea what the hell happened to our kitchen?

Obi >> Even your cooking skills couldn't have done that to our kitchen, what on earth happened?



[Text to Haruka]

>>Please come to [random auto shoppe place].
>>The mechanic is trying to screw me over because I'm a woman.
>>And doesn't take get the fuck away as an answer to stop trying things.