The Communications


November 8th, 2012



[Text to Rei]

>> HEY.
>> YOU.
>> Don't do that. :| You made the boy racer all flaily and he spelt like half the text wrong and stuff.




[Text Message to Ron]
>> Trying to pick a day for you to meet Jim.
>> Can you come by tomorrow when I'm not working?
>> I'll have cake, and we can play that Halo game.

[Text Message to Jim]
>> trying to pick a day for you to meet Ron.
>> Can you come by tomorrow when I'm not working?
>> Can you bring one of those chocolate cakes from that restaurant you took me to?



[Text to Merrill]

>> I just heard that my former therapist passed away

Text to Barbara Gordon

>> Apparently my old friend's wedding was moved to Saturday. Do you have plans?



[Phone call to Dr. Liam Smith]

Rei had been given the number to call, and she was going to. She wasn't about to let her new... friends? Help go to waste at all.

She picked up the phone, dialed the office number, and waited. If she was met with a voice messaging service she'd leave one. But she'd rather talk right to him. Or at least his secretary.



Txt to Candy

>> so, that ollie guy. who's he again?



[Text to Kitty & Scott]

[Kitty, Scott]
>> I hate to admit it, but I could use some help putting this thing together



[Text to Ollie Queen]

>> Screw you and your face, buddy
>> You got me in trouble
>> Go make out with your girlfriend in public please



PM to Isabela

Dear Isabela,

I know this must seem strange, since we've only spoken once online, but I'm getting married on Saturday and it would mean the world to me if you would come! Frodo would like to see you there, too. It's at the Dragonfly Inn in Tustin, at three in the afternoon. I know it's short notice, but please come!

Merrill Sokolov (soon-to-be Baggins!)



PM to Rahne

I believe I have the right woman. Is this Rahne, Dani Moonstar's friend?



[Text to Haruka]

>>Hey there.