The Communications


August 31st, 2012



[Some Texts]


>> I did something stupid
>> I threw away all my cigarettes
>> In a misguided act of self-mastery
>> Now I want to shoot everyone



>> I think we should still meet
>> Things are picking up pace for me
>> And I think there are more of us out there
>> I can sense them



>> I hate you



[Text to Merrill]

>> Hey, Merrill
>> Is the old boy okay?



[PM to Gandalf]

It's time I admitted something. I've lost the Ring. Or it was stolen. Either way, it's missing. And I believe this man has it.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry I could not keep it safe.



[txt to Alleria]

>> Get your ass in this thread.
>> Just private lock it if you're a coward.



Gift to Tony Stark

The gift is delivered to the Stark Building with instructions to be sent on to 'Santa's Workshop'. It appears to be a pretty normal and otherwise boring cardboard box, which has a label on it marked 'To Iron Dude'.

Opening it will reveal a selection of fine British Ales and Liquors from Neena's recent trip to London. There is an enclosed note which reads:

Hey Stark,

Here's some souvenirs from London that a guy like you aught to appreciate.

Hope the Science isn't getting you too down, you sounded like it was starting to seriously cramp your style there for a bit.

Don't drink it all at once.

- Thurman



[ Text Messages ]

To Zuko )
To Kitty )
Tags: ,



[ Messages to Thane Krios, Wade, and Moira ]

Read more... )
To Wade )
To Moira )



[Note left on the Pryde kitchen table]

Thanks again for watching the kids for us. I'll have my Stark phone if there's an emergency. We should have signal where we're going. I'll txt and let you know if we decide to stay out another night. Magic Eight Ball says 'probably'

There's a ton of cash in the envelope, so you guys will be set for food. Keep the hanky panky away from prying kids' eyes.
