The Communications


August 3rd, 2012




[Text to Lucas North]
Can I stay over for a while?



[text to kitty]

>> If you told me you had nothing to do with this "London Vigilantie" story, I would consider it my birthday present



[ Text to Wade Wilson ]

>> Come by my shop and pick your guns up.
>> You're going to love them.
>> Red and black with little logos on them.
>> Bring some chimichangas with you.



[Text to Marian Hawke]

>> !!!

Text to Juliet

>> Hi, how are you?
>>I don’t want you to worry but I was burgled last night
>> Spending the day at the bookstore with Bernie. Can’t stand to be alone in the house right now.

Phonecall to the bank (Mr Gold)

Margaery still wasn’t entirely sure what she was going to do now she was here but the first thing she needed to do was get her bank accounts transferred from Sweden to the US before her parents discovered their daughters hidden finances and managed to talk their way into accessing them. She’d worked too hard building it up over the past couple of years to let that happen. So she located a bank and decided to give them a call.

Ring Ring



[ Mass Email to Elena Quintero, Scott Summers, and Shepard ]

Wordy 'lets get our butts in gear' email under the cut )



Phone call to Kaylee

Simon wasn't really sure what he was doing giving in to the dreams he had the other night, but he knew he knew one of the people in the dreams and he couldn't just let that go. So, he picked up his phone and dialed the number Kaylee had given to him the day she spilled oil all over him.

Ring, ring



Backdated to before Lily's post - a phone call to James Potter

Ring Ring.



Minor Blurb on CNN broadcast, August 3rd, 2012:

Deleon, emerging name in luxury jewelry items has expanded its product line with its purchase of former rival Queen Diamonds, announced to shareholders in both companies via satelite on Friday Morning.

The three billion dollar purchase, including all rights to the Queen chain, products, and name takes place effective immediately as of this announcement. Former Queen CEO, Oliver Queen, in London supporting US Gymnast Jubilation Lee, has declined commentary at this time.



Text to Peeta

>> Cheers, mate. You guys are doing brilliantly.
>> When are you going to be back in the States?



Text to Pepper Potts

>> I have a serious question.
>> And be honest.
>> Does my reactor keep you up at night?
>> I mean, it's like a damn night light.



Email to Katniss and Peeta:

Read more... )



Text to Katniss

» When all of this craziness is over, do you want to go to Vegas with me?
» My friend is getting married.



[text to Kitty Pryde]

>> I've read that report
>> Good great magnificent
>> I think all the vigilantes win now have at it
>> Since you lot are going to do what you want as it is
>> I hope you didn't leave half of London in small pieces

Phone call to Inara

Immediately after her conversation with Simon, Kaylee dialed Inara, practically bursting.

Ring, ring.



PM to Coulson

So what sorrows are you drowning?



Email to Nienor

Email to Nienor )




[Backdated to early Thursday morning.]
[Call to the first law enforcement individual who picks up]
"Hi. Uh. My house was broken into last night. I lost a uh... eighty million dollar painting."

[Text to Brienne]
I'm really sorry Brienne but something came up. Forward me the address of your hotel in Istanbul and I'll see you there tomorrow.

[Text to Lorenzo]
Someone broke into my house and stole my Rubens.

[Thursday afternoon.]
[Text to Tywin Lannister]
Dad do you have any local contacts of people who specialise in [...] finding stuff?