The Communications


July 21st, 2012



Same text sent to Jean, Scott, and Troy Smith

Check in please.





Call me.


Are you all right? And Alistair?


I need to know you're all right?




[Text to Bill Weasley]

» Tell me you are okay.
» You have to be alright.
» Right?

[Text to James Kirk]

» Are you alright?
» I know you probably are but it would make me feel better to know it for sure.




>> Kitty where the hell are you?

>> You're okay?




>> Please tell me you're okay!

>> You too!
>> I mean, you're okay, right?

>> Just wanted to make sure you're not hurt.
>> Let me know.



Call to Brandon

Finally able to get a call out...

"Brandon. It's Ben. Are you alright?"




[Text to Annie]
>> I just saw on the tv in London. Are you all right?
[Text to Finnick]
>> Are you okay? It looks worrying on the news channels.
[Text to Renly]
>> Please tell me you're okay? I'm watching the news over here and I just need to know you're not hurt xx
[Text to Fleur]
>> Are you alright? I tried to call but I think there's too many people doing the same. Please be okay, let me know, I'm holding panic at bay...kind of xxx




[Msg to Iroh]

I need you to talk to your old contacts. Someone took Mai.

[Msg to Interpol]

The daughter of a US ambassador was abducted during the Earthquake while shopping with a friend. I have reason to believe she'll be moved out of the country by tonight, or sooner. I don't know if her friend was abducted or killed.

Included Photos )
Signed by the Blue Spirit




[Phone call to Catelyn Stark]
"Cat? Are you home with the kids?"

[Voicemail left on the Stark home phone]
"It's dad. Whoever gets this please call me back as soon as possible. Ta."

[Text to Robert Baratheon]
Hey mate. Just checking in on you, Lya and Renly. They never gave me their phone numbers.

[Text to Wrex]
Hi Wrex, it's Ned Stark. Dishwasher bloke. Just want to know if you're okay. Do you need any help?

[Text to Daenerys Targaryen, Galadriel, Ben Linus, Tony Stark & Pepper Potts]
Just checking in to make sure you're alright.



[secure message to Nick Fury & Jubilee]

To Nick Fury. )

To Jubilee )



[Txts to Obi, Illyana and Xi'an]

>> Don't panic
>> A reliable source says Kit Kat was Kittynapped
>> Okay now panic




>> You will never believe what just happened
>> So here's the proof

>> [image of Obi-Wan and Ho'nene, looking to the best of friends]



Message to the Illusive Man

Behind the Cut )




[To Emma]

No casualties, though there were some injuries. Most of the buildings are wreckage. The rock landed pretty close. Is Jean okay?

[To Kitty]

How did you and yours fair?



[Msg to Elena]

>> I'm headed back to the Ranch to get an idea of the damage and see if anything can be salvaged. Can you keep an eye on the kids?



Text to Tali

>> Signed up to help with a clean up crew.
>> Figured it was the least I could do. I'll be home late, but I got you something the day before this all went down.
>> So this is a not-so-subtle way to say wait up for me if you can.

Text to Troy

>> I'm so sorry to ask you this, and I know the roads are probably a total mess, but I would do just about anything for something NOT from the cafeteria right now.
>> I'm not sure what they're serving now, but I think it might be carpet.



[Message Sent To FBI:]

Just got word of two kidnappings. Ambassador's daughter, AND Katherine Pryde. There's a strong likelihood that both are connected. We're gonna need to get in on this one yesterday, quake or no.



Text to Oliver Queen, from Roy's phone

>>Oliver. Clint Barton.
>>Call me when you get this. Don't text me. Call.
>>Just trust me on it, all right?



[Msg to Remy]

I understand you're in town. How would you like me to treat you to dinner and dessert tomorrow? I should be out of hospital by then.

I'm afraid dessert will have to be a light one.

[PM to Tony and Bucky]

I'm having some trouble with the pain medication they put me on after last night. I have a theory, but it's crazy. Do either of you know a doctor who won't laugh outright at crazy theories?



Text to Wade Wilson

>> My phone got all broken and it took me forever to get a new phone and then I couldn't find your number but then I found it and okay now I'm texting you please say you're okay PLEASE!



[Group msg to Azula and Ty Lee]

The condo is fine and so is the tea shop, but Mai has been abducted. I'm working to find her.

[Private to Azula]

There's a faction within the syndicate that has been trafficking people. I've been shutting them down. This is either retaliation or a move by someone seeking to gain power, or put pressure on her father.
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