The Communications


July 13th, 2012


PM to Rose Tyler

Oi, you! Guess who has not one but two auditions at Disneyland and owes me lunch?



[Text to Fenris]

>> Since you're not here, I assume you're with Hawke.
>> Since, you know. She obviously needs you.
>> What with her mother being killed.
>> In real life.

>> If you ask me if I'm drunk, I will slice off something Hawke would probably rather you keep.
>> Unless you keep acting like an ass, in which case she'll probably thank me.



Phone call to Shepard

Ring Ring.




Arya has spent every moment she can outside. The grounds are immense compared to the space they occupied in California and every day she ventures out she finds something new. She's half tempted to tell her father that she'd rather they never leave and she'd be perfectly happy exploring and keeping up the estate with the staff. It's a pipe dream when she doesn't take seriously until there's a rustling behind her and something large and hairy knocks her to the ground.

She isn't scared. Why should she be? Nymeria is just as much hers as she is Nymeria and just like that Arya knows she'll do anything to make her pipe dream a reality.

She waits until the sun is starting to settle and its minutes away before her agreed curfew time to head back in to text her father.

[Text to Dad]

DAD. Can I show you something but first you have to promise not to take it away!



Text to Illusive Man

ยป It would be bad if I put out a hit on Wisdom, right?



[ Text to Raynor ]

>> Jimmy.
>> What's this I hear about you getting stabbed?
>> Who do I need to beat the piss out of?
>> Are you okay? Need anything?



[ Secure Message to the Illusive Man ]

[Sent Very Late Thursday Evening/Weds Morning] )



[ Text to Dean Winchester ]

>> Hey, remember me? You were over my house for that memorial day thing.
>> You run a shop, right?
>> Metaphysical stuff... smudge sticks, candles.
>> Is it possible you could bring some things for protection by my house?
>> Tomorrow maybe? I can cut you a check.
>> I'm kind of ... stuck in the house right now.



[Txt to Garrus]

>> Are you busy tomorrow?
>> We're going ring shopping.
>> After I visit Raynor. Who was an idiot.