The Communications


July 6th, 2012



[ Text Message to Moira MacTaggert ]

[ These were sent in the morning on the 5th ]

>> You told me to call first, but I can't trust my voice.
>> Pete had some kind of dream and my hip has a somewhat hand-shaped burn mark on it
>> He's freaking out
>> I think he has some kind of ... paranormal ability to melt things
>> With his hands
>> I had a dream where he lit a cigarette with a finger




[Text to Phil]
>>Never thought you'd be leaving bachelor-land before me.




[Texts to Tywin Lannister]
>> I had a dream about us the other night. I'd forgotten how much time we spent together and how many tantrums you've had to put up with when we were younger.
>> For what it's worth, I'm sorry. You'd been there for me when you figured out I had dyslexia and when mum died but I haven't made time for you.
>> Before you reply with some poisonous, hurtful and belittling offhand remark that will get us fighting again, I just wanted to say thanks.




[Email to Eowyn]

Our party is officially officially off. Not because my cousin has a girlfriend, but because he just broke up with her. I'm starting to think the whole thing was a bad idea in the first place.




[Group text to Carver, Bethany & Garrett]

>> I need you to all come to the police station.
>> Something's happened.



[ Text Message to Moira MacTaggert ]

>> I never thought these phone message things would be so useful.
>> You still owe me that coffee.
>> I have things I need to say.
>> And I'm wondering if it's too early to put my girl on the pill.



[Txt to Tony Stark]

>> We have an appointment today. Try not to be late.
>> I think you'll like what I have to show you.


PM to Roy Harper. )



[Txt to Pete Wisdom]

>> Did your hot knives show up?
>> Everything okay, I'm a little worried, those things can burn through Colossus' metal skin.
>> On the plus side you'll start burning off that tar on your lungs and your booze tolerance goes way up.



Text to Alice White

Remember when I had a surprise for you?

Individual emails

Individual emails go out; Steve has promised to respect confidentiality, and part of that involves not providing a distribution list to the emailed parties.

Tony, Kitty, Natasha, Hill, Bucky. )

Just Tony. )



[Txt to Dani Moonstar]

>> I wanted to touch base and see how things were going with you
>> And Ms. Sinclair.
>> And wondering if...
>> Well I might be reconsidering my strictly straight stance.