The Communications


June 19th, 2012



Some Messages

[PM to Loras]

I have the money that we probably should have waited for that night. Lozano bought my explanation, so let's just move on from this, shall we? The money is yours to decide how to spend. I don't care if you shred it, frankly.

[PM to Kitty]

You and I, we need to talk.




[Texts to Ned Stark, sent in quick succession]
»Ned, my brother is here.
»Not here here as in here with me.
»But here.
»In America.
»In Orange County.
»My brother is here, Ned.



[ Wrex Discovers How to Text Message ]

[ Text to Shepard ] )

[ Text to Moira ] )



Text Message to Portia

>> I know you are busy, with the Olympics coming, but I could use some advice.
>> I have a dinner to go to Saturday and I have no idea what I should wear. Help?

Text to Robert Baratheon

[Shortly after this happens, while trying to hide the fact that he is freaking out.]

>> Are you in Newport right now?

[A few minutes later.]

>> Do you like Chinese?



[Email to Emma Frost]

Subject: Visor

I think this should be detailed enough.

Read more... )

PM to AJ

Hey - I know this is out of nowhere, but I was catching up on the Valarnet entries and I wanted to say how great it was that you stood up for the woman with the pet shop. It takes a lot of courage to say something, especially to someone who's obviously aggressive, and I just wanted to let you know that I thought it was brave of you.



Text to Uhura

This is last minute, but I was curious if you'd mind some company. I am currently on my way home. I will understand if you haven't time or need more notice.



A series of text messages

[Tony Stark]
I've a question for you.

[Jean Grey]
Guess who suddenly finds herself with superhuman powers.

[Scott Summers]