The Communications


May 30th, 2012




>>Could you take me out to Urdnot Ranch tomorrow?
>>I sort of volunteered to fix a computer. From 1995.



Text Message to Agent Hill

>> I have a briefing in Los Angeles this afternoon.
>> I need a favor.




[Text to Catelyn Stark]
I seem to have lost you. You know your way around? The children have mutinied and are a lost cause. I say we stay in England and make another six five.




[E-mail to Jaime & Tyrion Lannister]
Son #1, you could have just come out without going through the trouble of arranging that holiday gathering. It's not as if that possibility never crossed our minds.

Son #2, if your brother's gay and wants to be openly proud by exchanging rings with his gigolo, you'll be in charge of the prenuptial.




[note left under Castiel's pillow]
Get your stuff. We're leaving tonight. It isn't safe here.




[MMS to Lorenzo]
I can't believe you were sidling up to my father on Monday. Ma che cazzo Mario? Are you flirting with madness or do you not see the resemblance? )

Email to Dick Grayson

Email to Dick Grayson. )

Text to Dr. John Smith

>> I told them that it was a bit early for things like dinner. They said they were just teasing.
>> I'm sorry that I rushed that I'm so bad at this that I tried to put a name for everything.



Txt to Dani

>> I'll have a date over. Just fair warning.