The Communications


May 13th, 2012



Txt to Bucky

>> Up for a drink and a game later?

[Email to Dick Grayson]

I just saw your post. Sorry for the slow reply. I'm fine.





Rory Williams you have (1) new message )




[Text to Catelyn Stark]
Cat this may be a bizarre question of sorts, and you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I wanted to know what size your cup is.



[Delivery to the Stark's]

At 12PM on Mother's Day, an anonymous delivery will be made to the Stark residence with precisely two items.

A peony bouquet. )

A diamond pendant. )

The note attached:

"A mother's happiness is like a beacon, lighting up the future but reflected also on the past in the guise of fond memories. ~Honoré de Balzac"

Text to Pepper Potts


That rich guy who got shot; that's your boyfriend boss, right? Is he going to be okay? Do you need anything?



Txt to Xi'an

>> [Image: Cast]

>> I sort of had an adventure.

>> It was a lot of fun and so worth it, but I might be in the way during the move.

This might need to be rated R!

Text to Loki

» My dog appears to miss yours.