The Communications


May 10th, 2012



Article Inside OC Weekly




[Phone Call to Kitty]

"Kitty. Hello. This is Obi-Wan. It might be strange to hear from me--like this--but I need to talk with someone about something... and it might as well be you. If you could, give me a call back. My number here is xxx-xxxx. It's nothing to worry about, though, so don't worry. After what happened last time, you know? I think I'm beginning to ramble now. Just give me a call back, if you can."



PM to Oliver

Hi. You've been sleeping with my friend.

I can and will kick your ass if you hurt her.

I can and will introduce a virus that will do interesting things to your computers.

Have a nice day! <3



[Phone call]

[Call to Ned]

"Hello, darling. How are you? Guess who was released from rehab five minutes ago."



Text to Spock

ยป I am going to go off the assumption that if you read the network at all you've figured out what it is that I do for a living.



Txt to Xi'an

>> Going out for something tomorrow, but you have a key if the movers are ready.

>> I had a great time. Greatest time!



OC Weekly



Tony Stark, multibillionaire and unquestionable Orange County playboy was spotted at Winston Frost's charity event. In a very uncharacteristic move from Stark, the avid scotch drinker showed up to the event alone. Although later in the night when a romantic spat broke out between two women it is clear to see why. He spent the first part of the night with one Pepper Potts, Chief Executive Officer of the Children's Hospital of Orange County and attempted to change women when she left for the restroom. The new woman in Stark's life is none other than Winston Frost's daughter Emma Frost, the recently renounced daughter of the Frost fortune after a mental break caused her to abruptly quit her job. The fight that the women caused over Stark intterupted the charity event and all parties were removed by force. There was no monetary damage.


Love affairs are nothing new to Black Widow superstar Natasha Romanoff, but perhaps her choice in men is a bit lacking. She was seen off set in a seductive catsuit with a joe schmo named Clint Barton. Is this a sign that Romanoff might be getting a bit desperate in her later years? Sources also revealed that Natasha is seeing Tony Stark in her private time, a romance flaring after they both signed papers to be in a commercial together. Only time will tell if she's as good (or bad depending upon how you look at it) at juggling men as Tony Stark is with women.


In a shocking admission, Oliver Queen, former Olympian and two-time gold medalist, revealed to the general public that yes: he is gay. He is set to perform archery and provide free lessons at the upcoming Orange County Gay Pride Parade in which he will also be marching.



Phone call to Scott Summers

Not quite in the mood for simple pleasantries, Emma jumps into the conversation as soon as she's certain he's picked up, "Where are you?"